...and they all lived. I guess assassination isn't my calling :x.
jetpower3 Blog
So Am I Invisible or Something?
by jetpower3 on Comments
Let's see: I've been here for more than 5 years, on and off, accumulated some 10,800 posts, and have posted on this blog hundreds of times. But I have as little of an audience now as I did then, maybe even less. No matter what forum or topic I'm in, I always seem to get the short end of the stick when it comes to popularity and getting noticed. Now, mind you, I'm not complaining because I'm an attention whore. Far from it. I'm worried that I won't have the capability to do well in life. If I can't get noticed here, or have a particularly large following, how can I ever hope to accomplish any goals of mind in enterprise, where so much hinges on not just running your operations well, but also being noticed, being popular, turning over revenue, and ultimately, bringing results for everyone involved? Now it doesn't seem so unimportant, especially if I want to succeed within the bounds of e-commerce. And keep in mind, this problem also extends to my real life.
I suppose it's a problem that hinges on self motivation and being proactive. But you see, that's not easy at all to change, given my conditions and me being at a relative disadvantage coincidence wise, motivation wise (at least for the immediate time being), skills wise, and ability to relate to people. Plus, like I said, I know people who have done a lot less than me in volume, but have accumulated a very influential and significant following. I hardly ever get even a nod on here, just like how I'm anticipating to receive no comments on this post.
Maybe this will resolve itself somehow, and everything will work out. But being so faithful on just faith alone is a one way ticket to being disappointed, or leading to your ultimate downfall. Maybe I'm being too pessimistic or hard on myself. But we'll see.
It'll never end...
by jetpower3 on Comments
...this loathing of my complete lack of progress in gaming. A quick look at anything related to my progress, and you'll see. I've got a wishlist I don't think I'll ever even dent. I've got a few hundred games, but I've hardly ever played most of them. I can't seem to do well in any form of multiplayer game. I spent most of late 2004 - 2006 on this forum, and I haven't even gotten that far here.
Well, time to do something about it. Although I'm still working on that.
No blog posts for over a year...
by jetpower3 on Comments
Wow. No blog posts for over a year. I still suppose that wasn't as bad as when I stopped posting almost completely back in December 2006. Either way, I'm not going to be back completely with this for awhile, but I suppose I've got to pay my dues. Without further ado, here is the blog post:
1. You can call me Nowhere. Other people call me John Lennon, although that name has been obsolete for a few years now.
2. Don't mention anything too leftish to me.
3. Look at the following things: Pink Floyd, Star Wars, Half-life, YTMND, Grim Fandango, Zelda, Queen, Advanced Wars. What do these things have in common?
4. What was Black Wednesday? I don't think you will find this on Wikipedia. At least the one I'm talking about.
5. I like top of the line PCs. Unfortunately, I'm also cheap.
6. I am a vegan.
7. I live somewhere on the North American eastern seaboard.
8. They are the eggmen.
9. You are error.
10. Don't worry Bill is dead.
Any questions?
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!
by jetpower3 on Comments
Woo. What a movie. Not only was that the cheesiest crap I've eveseen, it's so funny too. For those you who don't know what this movie is about, it's quite simple. It's simply about these tomatoes who animate and try to take over the world. That's it. The entire movie is actually a satire of the B-movie genre, and it is very effective in doing it. Not only is it intentionally bad, but it's also bad in ways that probably weren't intended, such as the helicopter crash at the beginning, which cost more than anything else in the movie combnied. It's got a great credit song too. If you're looking for some of the weirdest and worst movie acting, writing, and editing you've ever seen. Check out Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! Certainly worse than any film that's out right now.
Global Warming, or World Continues to Expand as the Cool Era Draws to a Close...
by jetpower3 on Comments
Welcome once again for all those brave souls who have decided to view my humble fledgling blog. Herein I shall make my first topic on this new medium for me about a very common subject nowadays- global warming. I know, that word gets tossed around a lot, but there is often little to clarify what it all means. I know there's some doubts among even the scientific community if it even exists, but let's just say this is an ode to if it indeed does it exist. Whatever happens, I don't want to find out the hard way…
For many years, I have doubted the integrity of human nature. There is no doubt of the constantly looping cycle of wars, conflict, greed, fallacy, and lack of cooperation we've subjected ourselves to for all of our years as a species, and how much it continues to truly (and rightfully so) all but destroy our true potential as living, sentient beings. I have not only wondered if it is darkness that is the nature of the soul, but also that we will not be afraid of what that darkness can do until it stares us right down in front of us, and sucks the very marrow from our bones, and any trace of circulation from our brains. As such, I do not sugarcoat my lack of concern of the great majority of the human race, but perhaps for the sake of the few people that actually wish to change the world and survive, I wish to share just one of the many problems that may finally change the world as we know it: global warming.
Recent trends and studies continue to point to a constantly growing, almost mortal, problem: the earth's population is increasing at a rate that no one had ever predicted, already far above the earth's primary capacity rate of 3 billion people. With our equal exponential growth in the amount of cars, buildings, products, and energy sources that we live our lucrative lives with, we are having severe consequences on the greenhouse effect of our planet. The greenhouse effect in question is a warming process of the earth that has been stable for most of the years of the earth, but has now been fueled to unnatural levels by all of these sources, and not to mention processes like deforestation and ecological developments, well above the limits that have ever been experienced over the past 700,000 years.
With the greenhouse effect, light energy from the sun is allowed to enter the earth's atmosphere, to be absorbed by the earth and then radiated away from it as heat. The atmosphere allows for much of this to escape, but certain "greenhouse gases (most distinctly CO2, methane, and water vapor) trap some heat, and allow to return to be absorbed by earth, just as the cycle repeats with more light energy coming from the sun. This is for the most part a very natural process that has allowed the earth to remain at a habitable temperature for all of this time, but when the concentration of greenhouse gases are increased from human activity, then more and more heat than necessary is being retained. This creates an unnatural increase in the earth's temperature over the long term.
If this process is allowed to continue, then we might be looking astronomical increases in CO2 levels and temperatures within the next 300 years. Already, CO2 levels have been up to over 300 ppm, a level higher than they have ever been in the 650,000 years for which data is available. This has been predicted to quadruple in the next 300 years, which will have unbelievable repercussions on temperature. Many reports by the EPA and Livermore Lawrence National Laboratory predict it will increase in the range of 5-10 degrees centigrade for much of the earth (about 12-20 degrees Fahrenheit), and as much as 20 degrees centigrade (about 68 degrees Fahrenheit) in the polar regions! This change alone will be enough to cause the ice sheets in these regions to collapse, causing millions of tons of ice to fall into the ocean. Not only is this enough to raise the sea level by at least 10-20 feet, but it will also cause many disruptions in the environment, including unpredictable ocean activity, far more severe flooding, storms, and hurricanes than have ever been witnessed before, and conditions too hot and extreme for many species to ever survive (even the slightest change at the bottom of the food chain can be devastating to many plants and animals). What's probably the most frightening is the potential for this to shut off the Gulf Stream current, which is responsible for sending the great majority of all heat to high lying Europe, which will send the entire continent into permafrost. Whatever happens, the problems we face now will pale in comparison to this, and if we still care about knowing what large, serious, and grave problems used to be, we must act before it is too late.
None of this paints much of a pretty picture of our future of humanity, does it? I guess you can say that its future at present is not much better off than it being eternally crushed by a boot, and even if they heed this warning now, what is the likelihood or want to do what it takes to help solve this problem` If that is the way it will act, then I truly want something to happen to humanity with this. I want something so terrible, so horrifying, so horrifically and morally jaw dropping, larger than any massacre, larger than any "natural disaster", and larger than even any war fought as of now, so that maybe they would learn to understand. They will learn to understand what it means to be in and face a catastrophe. They will learn to truly fear the fear of being destroyed forever, and maybe for the sake of that they will act to reverse the terrible, wretched wrongdoings they have done for so long. A few people caring, even if they make the world everything that it is, will never be enough to stop such a mass of life drainers. Let it be hoped then that they care enough and will start living and turning this around, lest we be 6 feet under problems, ice, or water…
Stop changing the website!
by jetpower3 on Comments
This must be the 3rd time I've come on here to see the website in a radically different way that doesn't float the boat for anyone. I must say, I was dissapointed dearly by what little improvement the previous website overhaul offered in terms of features and usability that I can't really stand for this any longer. Of course, it might just take some getting used to, but if it isn't broke (and I really don't see anyway that it is) don't fix it.
Maybe it'll just take some getting used to, but I don't think something like this would be that simple.
!Viva la Revolucion!
I'm still alive
by jetpower3 on Comments
Just a quick reminder to all who have been wondering of my lack of a presence here. I'm kicking it as always. I currently have no video card or sound card, so I'm just playing mostly console games, SSB, PPL, and HL1 at the moment. I can't give a complete explanation of what's been going on, but I've been undergoing a huge transformation, but yet I'm still troubled by many things. But I'm still alive, and I'll still be alive when this place is dead, no pun intended (maybe). But either way, for everyone looking for me (if any by now), I hope you're all alright, and I'll be around...
!Viva la Revolucion!
Wake up GS...What do you really know?
by jetpower3 on Comments
I'm getting all fed up with everyone all the time trying to impose such accusations on CNet and GS for firing Jeff over an unfavorable review of a game in conjunction with shady business dealings with the company who made it. It is true that what happened is unraveling to the entire site and thee administrative processes of the community, but who are we to set such imposing charges against anyone? Is it our place at all, as forum users who only knows what goes on in something as relatively unprofessional as a gaming site, to even pretend we know what happened?
I don't think anyone would listen by now, but GS has never been one to emphasize business deals over their own opinions. I can think of quite a few other games that have been promoted heavily and specifically on this site, only to give it a low score, don't act like this is the first time. Hundreds of ads for games, some successful, some not, have constantly circulated throughout this site since the very beginning, and there has never been any definite sign of business manipulation on behalf of them. But unfortunately, it seems that humans by their very nature hate being left in their dark, especially over something as supposedly "earth changing" as this, and they often make up stories as to what the truth could really be, using "clues" they have little idea about other than their own often Hollywood movie verison of the world. And then this becomes the so-called "truth".
And in this case, here is another typical conspiracy theory: using circumstances that everyone involved in the creation of the story have little knowledge about for sure, and stereotypical assumptions as to what the inside workings of such a business really is. It isn't nearly as easy to cheat someone in such a way that it is being described, and even if this did happen, there's nothing stopping Jeff from suing in court over being dismissed unfairly, which I think is a good indication of what actually happened. So, especially since how the review score of Kane and Lynch is still going to remain the same, I don't think that GS or the publisher/developer of the game have anything to gain by dismissing anyone in such a matter. There's still a lot of different things that can go wrong in any business that can cause the most respectable employees to be fired. Much of it can be quite unexpected or kept behind closed doors, away from us.
I know that lies are often spread further and faster than truth, especially the vicious, shocking ones. Much of what has been said has only been posted on 3rd party sites, who mostly have little connection with GS's internal workings, and like many other sites, often post stories for the effect of only getting more attention and excitement out of circumstances that are often obscure or unknowable, ones that maybe are not exciting at all. But who's to know? Who can prove them wrong when there's no other probable answer? And thanks to their proposed dirty explanation, that becomes the truth for you, it's the only one available. You can't even believe GS's answer to what really happened now, as you've already marked them as part of a conspiracy theory, whether if it had any truth to it or not.
To continue to believe such a thing is only a testament to blind faith in something as ambiguous as the media, and your own overconfidence that you know what really goes on behind closed doors. I will not say that there doesn't exist any corruption in business, in fact there's still far more going on nowadays than is humanly acceptable to so many, but there's simply no substance to believe in something like this. It's ridiculuous stuff like this that causes wars, unfair executions, and blind stereotypes and misunderstandings to nearly every aspect in modern day culture.
Stop trying to pass Jeff off as the absolute tragic hero that I've never seen anyone on this site do before, and accept that maybe GS had a good reason for letting him go. But whatever you do, you shouldn't let your assumption in something no one here is really sure of at all affect how you view this site. The so spread story of what really happened to Jeff simply has little to no realistic value to it, and is no reason to boycott, leave, or bash on GS. I hope you would let your own senses decide what really happened.
!Viva la Revolucion!
The Nowhere Man...
I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles and miles and.......
by jetpower3 on Comments
Greetings to the old crowd to whom I haven't heard from in so long. I've managed to keep my desire for this place in check for a long time, but now it's time to let that desire free while I make an update on this place. I've been long out of the mainstream gaming scene for a long time, but at the same time, it has changed me inexplicably. I cannot tell you how, nor could I tell you what it is I want now, but I am telling you is that I'm going to do something that so few have ever done, but I will not fail.
Anyways, that aside, it has been quite a breeze. I've been hanging out, finishing up a lot of games on my PC I haven't used in a long time and uninstalling them. I've finished some qaint titles up from 2004 such as Doom 3 (far too long), Far Cry (uninteresting, but still good), and Chronicles of Riddick for the last time (which is still simply just superb). I've also finally finished Halo 2 on Legendary, and also have completed Half-life 2: Substance (much harder version of Half-life 2). I've also been stacking up a lot of hours in CS:S while practicing a lot of my music, which I assure you is going quite well, and so much, much, much, much, much, much, much more to come. In any regard, I haven't got Half-life 2: Episode 2 yet or Halo 3, and I've yet to cut out a lot with my Wii, but I assure you that everything I have told you or haven't told you is going to work out just as I have forseen and it won't be long.
So, in any further regards, I invite anyone who knows me on xfire, but hasn't checked on in months even though they said they would (I think you know who I'm talking about >_>) to come on and talk about varoius things. But in any regards, I hope things have been changing nicely for you, given how much things have already changed in this industry. Anyways, as for me coming back, well we're still far from there, but a lot closer than you think. So, see you later! !Viva la revolucion!
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