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Buying Schedule Q4 2005 (Updated).

It's that time again. It's now October we are right in the middle of the most exciting quarter of gaming of the year. To make it even more exciting, a brand new system is launching in November and there are also many, many PC and console titles to look foward to this time as well.

I thought I should take the time to map out the possible titles and hardware that I would like to get over this time of year.


Nvidia 7800 GTX ($500)

Xbox 360 ($400)



Half-life 2: Aftermath (?)

F.E.A.R. Director's Cut Edition ($55.00)

Doom 3 (?)

Far Cry (?)

Quake 4 (?)

Oblivion (?)

Call of Duty (?)

I'll add or remove some more if I think of any.

Resident Evil 4 Premium Edition (PS2) ($55.00)

Resident Evil 4 Collector's Edition (GC) ($90.00@ebay)
Killer 7 (GC) ($30.00)

Perfect Dark Zero (Xbox 360) (?)

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (PSP) (?)

I'll add or remove some more if I think of any.

That's all for now!