It's that time again. It's now October we are right in the middle of the most exciting quarter of gaming of the year. To make it even more exciting, a brand new system is launching in November and there are also many, many PC and console titles to look foward to this time as well.
I thought I should take the time to map out the possible titles and hardware that I would like to get over this time of year.
Nvidia 7800 GTX ($500)
Xbox 360 ($400)
Half-life 2: Aftermath (?)
F.E.A.R. Director's Cut Edition ($55.00)
Doom 3 (?)
Far Cry (?)
Quake 4 (?)
Oblivion (?)
Call of Duty (?)
I'll add or remove some more if I think of any.
Resident Evil 4 Premium Edition (PS2) ($55.00)
Resident Evil 4 Collector's Edition (GC) ($90.00@ebay)
Killer 7 (GC) ($30.00)
Perfect Dark Zero (Xbox 360) (?)
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (PSP) (?)
I'll add or remove some more if I think of any.
That's all for now!
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