Alright, Nintendo. You change the Rev's name to Wii or something. How should I react? Should I be glad that Nintendo has potentially gained more publicity with this new name? Or be not glad to think of the possiblities that you might have alienated your potential audience? Or maybe I shouldn't care about the name at all, because quite frankly, I don't, but for Nintendo's sake, it could be potentially bad to name their console such a strange name. Or maybe not. It could change. Or maybe people won't care. Or maybe that will only be the name in Japan. Who knows?
But what I want to know is why they would change a perfectly good name into something like this. While it may not be bad to some, it can be to others and it's certainly not a better name than Rev. There's a lot of weird definitions you can pull out of that, that would potentially inalienate many gamers. After all, with what this world has come to, people tend to annoy names that sound different, or strange. Most people in my experience don't want that kind of potential trouble.
But who knows what's really going to happen? Maybe it will end up to be all right. I just don't know.