jetpower3 / Member

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Maybe It's About Time I Gave Myself A Proper Introduction...

It's true I've been here a while, but I've never really explained myself or anything much about me. So, I think it's about time I set the record straight and explain everything:

My name is jetpower, but you can call me Mike. You can find me all over the internet, at places like gamefaqs, gamerankings, YTMND, xfire, steam, wikipedia, google, photobucket, this site, online games, etc. I always use a variant of the name "jetpower", usually accompanied by a number based on the order in which I joined.

On this site in general, I've been here since September 2004, but my previous account stopped working (not banned though, mind you), and I ended up creating this last January. I live in NJ like I have my whole life, and while I won't tell you my age, you can use this expression to help you:


x= my age

I enjoy playing all the different systems from all different companies, and I'm partial to the PC ( I have a really high-end machine as well). You can view my collection for a complete scope of my game tastes. I used to own a bunch more older systems, but those disappeared somehow (don't ask). I can be very picky about my genre choices, as my choices can be rather limited at times, but it's really more so due to the fact that I haven't add time to branch out lately. As a matter of fact I haven't been gaming a lot lately as I've been working a lot, using this site, and trying to solve some of my own personal problems. But with any luck, all this stuff will be settled soon and I'll be back in complete business.

My other interests include: running, listening to the beatles (probably the only band I consistantly listen to everyday), researching PC hardware, gathering info from all places I can find, cleaning, doing paper working, planning things, and thinking. Please note that my interests often change spontaneously, so this list may soon not hold any water :P.

Anyways, I think that's a good enough explanation of myself for now, and I'll tell you more if needed and if I'm ever in the mood.