Intel Pentium 4 1.7 GHZ Processor
Nvidia GeForce2 MX/MX 400 w/ directX verison 7.0
256 MB RAM
No idea about the mobo
Hardisk I think is 40 GB w/ 5200 RPM
NEC NR-7900A
Lite-On LTN486 48x Max
Not sure not the sound card
I think you can figure out what I have to work with from this. I get no more than maybe 15 FPS in Half-life 2 on the lowest settings with an inane amount of stuttering and loading times and it often freezes up and crashes even when I'm playing low-tech games like even SimCity 2000 and Rollercoaster Tycoon. It even freezes up when I'm just using Firefox.
I got this 4 years ago and haven't upgraded at all. It is just so discouraging that I have to work with this everyday :(.
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