Alright. I basically have all my funds for my new video cards in order. But right here I'm facing a dilema. As you know, I had originally planned to get 7900 GTX SLI. The only problem is that now maybe it would be a better decision to get X1900XTX Crossfire instead. As far as I know, ATi has many advantages over nvidia:
- Better image quality
- Better AA
- Better super AA
- Better AF
- HDR + AA at the same time
- Better high resolution scaling
etc. I would have been contempt on doing this, only now this would cost me an extra $100 then what I had originally planned since I'd also have to get a Crossfire mobo. And I'd also have to swap out my mobo, which I have no hope with doing without help from someone. And I've also heard there are some issues with Crossfire and some games, and how it doesn't scale as well.
Anyways, if any of you fine people here can help me make a decision. It would be greatly appreciated.