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That's it. Jimmyblackwing/John Adkins is gone forever

You heard right. He's never going to be back ever again, anywhere on this side of the internet. Not xfire, no games, nothing on this site, etc. I just had my last conversation with him on xfire just now. He really was a one of a kind. A good friend, a very well informed person, and he was someone who's left a one of a kind legacy on SW. Although I hate to have him go, we must all remember that life is full of meetings and partings, and sometimes we have to part with the people we least want to. But we must also remember that life goes on, and new people and things will come up to fill up the holes left by the people we have left behind. So, jimmy, if you're out there somewhere, here's one last good-bye and assurance that we'll never forget you and the legacy you have left behind.