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Topic of the night: Day 26 of the Revived Magical Mystery Tour...

Well, things are still going pretty well. But when McCartney (somehow) managed to jam a tropical tune of helter skelter, it got me thinking: what if that symbolized the way my life is going? Not only am I a nowhere man who is nowhere, is getting nowhere and has no one, but my life is also spiraling downwards at an alarming rate, just like how a helter skelter would drop you at an alarming speed to the bottom. I wonder what this new development holds for my future.

YTMND of the night:

Song of the night:

Misery (Artist: The Beatles, Year: 1963)

Fact of the night:

The Beach Boy's Pet Sounds album was partially influenced by the Beatles Rubber Soul album, whose album in turn influenced the Beatles on both Revolver and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.