Now, as gamers, I think we have all touched upon this simple question before: is gaming becoming an increasingly more expensive hobby? Now, keep in mind that I'm not only talking about the cost of games and systems, but everything else in between, such as accessories, modifications, PC hardware, display devices, and services (i.e XBL, MMO subscriptions, etc). With today's current situation, it's not uncommon among hardcore gamers to spend $1000+++ for all of this stuff, including games alone (on yearly basis that is). This actually kind of goes with what I said yesterday. Now, I understand that if gaming is something you really enjoy, then it might not concern you to be throwing away your hard earned cash for the sake of your own gaming experience. But, like I touched upon yesterday, this could become a problem if gaming becomes the main focus of your life. You might end up spending $2000+ for PC hardware alone in a year just to stay on the top line, $3000+ for games you might be interested in (if you like to play a lot of different games and not just extensively play a few), $1000+ for new console releases, $1000+ for maintaining your HDTV and surround sound set-ups (and to also stay on the top line), and $100+++ for any accessories or modifications you might want (depends on how much you care about that stuff. Some really don't care at all). So, you might be looking at gaming costing you anywhere from $5000-$7000 a year if you become this extreme. This can put a great deal of financial strain on you, especially if you're just some teenager or 20er (people in their 20s) that can barely get by with the way things already are. So, while we may be very passionate about video games, we must remember to regulate ourselves. But even if you're not that extreme, you may find gaming to start costing more a little more than it's worth this day and age. With main stream consoles costing up to $600 in price, $60 games (yes I know that games were actually more expensive in the past, but at least most of the consoles were cheaper than this), the fact that PC games are becoming more demanding and requiring new hardware (*cough* directx 10 and vista *cough*), and HDTVs becoming the norm, and many other factors, the numbers can really start to add up. Gaming isn't generally sounding as simple and straightfoward as it once was, is it?
While I know that people have been thinking like this for years about gaming, I really think that it's starting up an upward trend towards becoming increasingly more expensive. But who knows what the future will hold? Maybe it will even out at some point or actually become cheaper as all the new tech before us becomes more standardized.
The questions I have for you tonight are:
1. Are gaming expenses going up, down, or staying about the same IYO?
2. Would you ever give up or take a break from a particular gaming generation if you thought the costs were too high or unjustified?
3. What does the future hold for gaming in terms of expenses?
Please sound off on what you think. I feel as if I might have may sounded a little unclear with what I was trying to say, but I hope you understand. Here's your YTMND for tonight:
Song of the night: Can't Buy Me Love (Artist: the Beatles, Year: 1964)