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Topic of the Night: "Mass Agreement" in Video Games?

I think I'll decide doing one of these little features where I'll think of a topic that's been on my mind and try to speak my mind about it, and I'll try to do this regularly, about once a night. Maybe I'll miss a few days, but I think I'll consistantly do this and try to increase my thinking skills at the same time.

Anyways, the topic at hand is one that I've think we've all touched on to some degree, but never give a lot of thought to. But from what I've seen on this site, and in my gaming experience in general, there is an unusually common opinion on certain things regarding the industry, whether it includes what's the best game of all time (common answer examples: OOT, FF7, HL2, etc), what's overrated (examples: Halo, GTA, etc), what's the most unreliable company in the industry (very common answer is sony), and so on and so forth. While I understand that individual opinions may often be similar on a mass scale, the scale that I've seen in this industry is too large to be natural, or what everyone really thinks. What's the deal with this? You really don't see this kind of stuff in the other branches of entertainment (i.e movies, music, books, theatre, etc). Some say may argue that the video game industry is a lot younger than the said industries, but even in its current state, the gaming population stands at 250 million+ and with 30,000+ games. I find it hard to believe that the dearth of variety of opinions that I see would come naturally with an industry that large. So, what can be causing this? The more I think about it, the more I believe that all these common opinions may be caused by something I would call "mass agreement". Now, what I mean by this term is that people often take an idea that's floating around out there and adapt it to the point where it becomes a very common or near universal belief. Now, while this might not hold true for all the whole industry, it's certainly still a large part in many aspects (see examples cited above). But what causes to happen on a large scale in the gaming industry, but not in the other entertainment industries? Could it be blindness from nostalgia, which is a much larger factor in gaming than the other industries, as gaming is contineously changing and improving, while the other industries are not time-bound in the least ( I mean, anyone today can enjoy old classics like star wars and jaws and listen to music like the beatles and still enjoy them as much as someone around from the time period it originated around might have), and which in turn causes others to bundle to a common belief? Could it be an unexplored physcological effect of this industry? Could it just be a fad to think this way? What do you any of you think?

As a reward for listening to my boring rant, I'll give you this YTMND to view:

Please sound off on what you think. I'll be open to any suggestions.