Well the new Nintendo has been announced as a 2012 release. I am excited! For one thing they took a ground breaking direction with their Wii and have not only survived the current generation but thrived. The gaming console to an extent shunned the 'experienced' gamer, the people that have made the industry what it is. It offered inferior graphics to the other consoles at the time. Most importantly it took interacting and controlling video games in completely new directions. Nintendo have benefited from this as they have tapped into the 'casual' gamer and developed games for literally any type of person. Wiifit, Wiisports, etc. Many 'hardcore' gamers dismiss the Wii for its inferior graphics and 'kiddy' style. I will make an observation that most of these people are short-sighted and only play a small sample of games, FPS's mostly. For the most part I think that Sony and Microsoft's consoles are too similar to warrant having both but the Wii was marketed at unique and cheap so that most gamers would have PS3/360 AND a Wii.
Nintendo may do things differently but I would just be expecting an upgrade and a Wii2. Its more likely that they will do a knock-down-rebuild and come up with something completely different. Essentially this is what sets them apart from the others companies in my opinion. The Xbox 360 is just the Xbox with better graphics. The PS3 is just a PS1 with better graphics and a Blu-Ray player instead of a DVD player. Nintendo had the foresight to realise that superior graphics isn't going to be enough for gamers over time. At some point the graphics will reach a level where there wont be much room to improve from system to system. When this happens bringing out a new console with better graphics isn't going to mean squat. Nintendo have realistically taken the first step in the new direction of gaming, the next generation console will improve on what the Wii has achieved and succeed in its own right. Any gamer that is ignorant enough to dismiss the potential of what Nintendo is going to do because of their preconceptions from the Wii is going to miss out. Your loss.