I had a look at the new Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword update on here and was going over some of the comments and was 'disappointed'. It appears there is a common theme with gamers and people in general these days. Yomigaeru made a good point, games are being overhyped and resulting in 'disappointment' (there's that word again).
I blame it on the younger generation (bare with me). I am not saying it is their fault I am saying they are to whom the blame goes. Most of the new generation of gamers have been raised on games with superior graphics, consoles that get more and more like home entertainments systems over gaming machines, Games that offer all kinds of gadgets and gimmicks to draw their interest in, and the biggest point, VARIETY.
Variety in gaming these days means that gamers can afford to be picky and as such be 'disappointed' with a game despite its obvious merits. When Nintendo first had the NES out what other options were on the market to compare with the Super Mario Bros? Was it really a good entertaining game or were we all just limited in choice? The Ocarina of Time, was it as great as anything out there before it or was it just the name of Nintendo and the franchise and little other options in that field? New gamers today are turning their nose up at anything that doesn't have an R rating or doesn't have giant guns and aliens, or doesn't have voice actors, half a production movie and estimated gaming time of 100 hours. Why? Because if this particular game can't offer that experience there is another one around the corner that will. Hence the younger generation is getting 'disappointed' with these games because they have been raised on variety. Any older gamer that has grown up with these classic games will most likely judge a game on its merits and reserve the label of 'disappointing' for games that truly deserve it.... can't think of any sorry.
Bottom line is, the gaming market is being flooded with games and a lot of them take the belief of quality over quantity, because gamers these days expect variety. Great games take time and are never perfect. But they will be entertaining in their own way and flagship games like Mario, Zelda, CoD, Fabel (I'm stretching my experience for xbox and PS3) will always have something to offer.
For the record the original Mario on NES and Ocarina of Time were great games. I also have never played a Zelda game that I didn't become immersed in.