I attempted to post a comment in the heated piracy ebate but had issues, i assume because i have only recently signed up. so i figured that i could put my opinion here, it most likely isnt getting views but may give me some kind of merit towards posting comments.
i am 24 and have been playing games for nearly 20 years, (here we go another life story) i remember getting a tv and a nes with duck tales for my 6th birthday. i have owned every nintendo system ever since, generally getting games and systems for birthdays and xmas as the years went on. i bought the gamecube and wii with my own money and also paid for any games myself. to be honest i was mostly happy with spendin $100 on gamecube games and dont think the console got enough credit. it was around this time that many of my friends started going for an xbox or sony because of the quality in graphics and more mature style games, i stuck loyalty to nintendo for the franchises like zelda and mario. i looked foward to getting my wii for xmas its first year and was happy by the success of the new direction gameing seemed to be heading, thinking like many that you can only improve graphics so much before there needs to be something inovative. wii sports seemed to offer a simple introduction to the types of games that could be expected on the wii in the years to come and so i bought many different games to try and get a variety of experiences in the interactive style of games the wii was offering. this is where the colourful story goes south. game after game i bought only to be disapointed with the level of interactional gaming provided by the control scheme, as we all know the wii cant graphicaly compete with the other consoles so the controls and gameplay were where the system were supposed to shine. spending no less than $1000 (roughly 10 games) as new games came out. i soon got sick of spending money on games such as fifa and smackdown vs raw which took advantage of a control set up that was more a hinderance than interactive, as well as playing games where the swinging motions are as irrelevent to the game as if they were another button on a control pad. i had had enough of wasting my money so now that i am at uni and cant afford to waste money on mostly garbage games i download my own and play them that way. i have all but lost my faith in nintendo and the games they develop. i have many more things i could say about this issue but i am wasting my letters and who really cares if a longtime loyal nintendo fan would rather download games to play then waste his money after all...