Just a thought about how engaging the current games are on wii. The weekend just gone my mate got resident evil 5 for his Xbox 360 so I went round for a good old fashioned games day. He was working on Sunday so wanted an excuse to stay in and avoid getting on the piss so I rocked up around lunch time and we had a crack at the co-op style storyline. 13 and a half hours later at around 1:30 in the morning we finally beat the last boss and had finished the game. This was achieved without a single break in play; the machine was going the whole time. With a few exceptions of getting drinks, toilet breaks and answering the door for the pizza dude we were uninterruptedly engaged the whole time. Now it's not because the game is ridiculously good. And it's not because the story was massively vast and amazing. It was because it was a good challenge (we each died on numerous occasions) and because it was fun. If you were to play through this game by yourself then obviously you probably wouldn't sit there that long just to beat it from start to finish. Which goes to suggest, why aren't there more games coming out with a multiplayer option for the basic story (or if there are such games why are they not on the wii, and if these such games are on the wii why can't I find them, and if I'm not finding them because I'm not looking why is the wii's games so damn crap that I haven't bothered looking.)
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