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2D platformer Revival!

There has been a revival of the 2D platforming genre during the past couple years. This is mostly thanks to Creative indie developers. I personally think its awsome, and so i want to provide everybody with a list of the Best and worst recent 2D platformers.




And Yet It Moves

New Super Mario Bros

shadow Complex

little Big Planet

mega man 9


A Boy and His Blob

Lost Winds

Lost Winds: Winter of Melodias

New super mario bros Wii looks pretty promising as well

Top 10 game Graphics.

1. Crysis (CryEngine3 really)

2.Uncharted 2

3.Arma 2

4.Killzone 2

5. Shattered Horizon

6.Stalker Clear Sky

7.Modern Warfare 2 (pc version)

8.Resident Evil 5 (pc Version)

9.Gears of war 2

10.Dirt 2

From recent WRPG topic that i posted.



Where is Final Fantasy? :evil: :P.. i only play JRPG's :P


well then you should change that about yourself, boy.

Pfffft.. WTF "boy" do you think jrpg are only for boys wrpg's suck compared to jrpg's for they have better stories and characters than any wrpg out there so

GTFO boy!!

lol, no way. im sorry but most of the wrpgs out there have stories and charactersthat are equally if not more compelling than their japanese counterparts. I find it sad that more japanese developers havent embraced the two tools of immersion wrpg makers know so well, they're called REAL TIME COMBAT and FIRST PERSON PERSPECTIVE.

i have a very large amount of respect for square enixbecauseof theiramazing back catalogue of games like crono trigger and FFVII. But im sorry to say that Japanese Developers havent changed theirformula for YEARS. and for that reason im sorry to say, but the JRPG genre has gotten STAIL.

There has been little to no innovationfrom JRPGs in the last 5 to 7 years, and thats why we are getting games like the most recent star ocean, lost odyssey and blue dragon. Games that feel like a re-hashing of old ideasand offer nothing new.

There are exceptions. Persona 4 was excellent and fresh, and when final fanatasy went real time with its combat system, i was impressed. Not since then has the jrpg genre made any significant change to its aging formula.

A typical list from someone that haven't played anything from1990 to 2002, the golden age of the western RPGs. KOTOR is the only real RPG from that list. Mass Effect is a third person shooter with some very good RPG elements, Oblivion and Fallout 3 are action games with weak RPG elements. I haven't played Fable II, but the first one was an action-adventure game, not a RPG. I'm not saying those games are bad, I really enjoyed Mass Effect and Fallout 3, but both were poor RPG-wise. :D


Hey, theres this little thing i think you should know about. its called innovation. Ever heard of it? well, you see, thats whats been happening to the wrpg genre since 2001. Its been changing, and melding with other genres. So im sorry, but you are wrong. Fallout 3 and Oblivion are absolutely RPGs. there is leveling, collecting, and most importantly, ROLE-PLAYING.

Games that break the mold and offer a unique experience

A lot of the gaming industry is built on sequels and rehashing old and over used game mechanics, and so when something truly unique comes along, i think should be recognized.

Theseare the most unique games ive played.

Portal had brilliant writing, brilliant level design and a comletely mind boggling set of gameplay mechanics that still make my head spin with joy. Perhaps my favourite game ever.

Bioshock had the deepest, most compelling story ive seen in a video game, or film for that matter since half life 2, Brilliant atmosphere, voice acting, writing, and creative design. Also, Rapture is easily the most unique, and brilliant setting for a game to date. Bishock asks questions about philosophy and the human condition, and thats something i had never seen in a game before. Completely Mystifying.

Braid, like portal, was similarly mind boggling, but in a completely different way. The game mechanics were satisfyingly exploitable, simple on one level, and really complex on another. Also its beautiful art and indie sensibilities were beyond cool.

World of goo had, again, another unique artstyle, Great physics, Intuitive building mechanics, a GREAT SOUNDTRACK, and a knack for some serious cultural comentary.

Zeno Clash might be the weirdest experience ive had in a game. It combines a completely CRAZY artstyle, really great first person melee game mechanics, and excellent key board contols to create truly unique, weird and often disturbing experience.

360 Defence

I am a PC gamer but i have always found console wars to be really interesting and entertaining. So, i thought i might as well do a bit for each console.

I'll start with the 360, and why its still relevant with the new ps3 slim out.

1. Xbox Live is undeniable superior to PSN, even though Ps3 is free and Xbox Live isnt. Xbox live is more accessible,has better downloadable exclusives, and a larger community. Also the 360 has a much much bigger install basethan the PS3 in the U.S. The Xbox 360 is just a more Social console.

2. Also Microsoft decided to pay money so that a lot of games dlc would be exclusive the the 360 user base. e.i. Fallout3 (kindof exclusive), and GTA4

3. As for the Price, this used to be a big arguement in favor of the the 360, but now thats debatable. Especially with the PS3 slim. Its true that the XBox 360 costs less initially but with xbox live:gold figured it,over time the 360 costs more. Also the PS3 has the blueray player.

4. The PS3 lineup has gotten better in the last year and will continue to get better (god of war 3, uncharted 2, etc.). But the 360 still has some great exclusives like halo3 (yeah, its good, dont hate) and pc and 360 exclusives, like mass effect and left 4 dead. So the 360 lineup is no longer superior, but it can still hold its own.

6. Although the PS3 is undeniably the more powerful system,the 360 is easier to program for and so for a lot of the multiplatform games, the the 360 versions aresuperior (fallout3, biohsock, orange box).

7. the 360 Controller is more ergonomic.

My Top 10 game HEROES!

1.Gorden Freeman (Half-Life series)

2.The Lone Wanderer (Fallout 3)

3.Samus (metroid)

4.Jack (Bioshock)

5.Link (Legend of Zelda)

6.Issac (Dead Space)

7.Master Chief (Halo)

8.Scout (Team Fortess 2)

9.Psycho (Crysis)

10.Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)

This makes sense.

This is a comment by a user that was posted on a topic about MGS4 and its graphics. i like the way he thinks.

I am a video editor, and even tough a game developer states the cinematics are from the in game engine, doesn't mean that there aren't special tricks used to make the cutscenes look better. I mean, there is a clear difference from the gameplay to cutscene. In a cutscene, movements are motion captured, wich makes them look lifelike, while in game its just pure rendered animations. So thats already a plus. Then we have a fixated area that only needs to be rendered in a movie, so all the background processing is removed. Then we have no AI engine in the cutscenes, making more processor power available. There are events in cutscenes, that are only seen in cutscenes, and you'll notice that. They can use the ingame engine at its max when there are character's uplcose in a room for example, but you'll never ever see that area in the game itself. Notice that the cutscenes that switch from gameplay to cutscene look less impressive then stand alone cutscenes. its hard to explain, but there is a lot of trickery involved when a developer says its using the game engine. It is, the ps3 is completely rendering it, but Its the gameplay that makes the game's graphics, and at times metal gear solid 4 can look quiete average at times. It s a beautifull game, but it is far from the console graphics king. People, you can't shout out random facts that are given by developers, you need to know how things work before even opening your mouth and try to act smart. Developers say things to advertise their products, and you buy those comments. But hey, i am just stating the facts, and comments like this that i make are mostly ignored because there is no hate in them.


Prettiest games on the Wii, update

Prettiest games on the wii. Update

What do you think is the best looking game on the wii?

Here's mine:

1. Mario Galaxy

2. Red Steel 2

3. Muramasa: The Demon Blade

4.Metroid: The Other M

5. Monster Hunter 3

6.The Grinder

7.Mad World

8.Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

9.The Conduit

10. Okami

Other games that almost made it were: Punch Out,Dead Space: Extraction, Mario Cart Wii, Super Smash Brothers:Brawl, and also because of there unique art, Zach and Wiki, Legend of Zelda: Twighlight Princess,and De'Blob.

Note that i rated them as much on artistic achievement as i did by technical achievement.

My Personal Top 10 favorite games

Im a PC gamer, and my choices will probably reflect that.


2.Fallout 3


4.Half-Life 2


6.Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare

7.Empire:Total War

8.Unreal tournament 3

9.Age of Empires 3

10.Super Metroid

The top five are so close that the order really doesnt matter cause i love them all.

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