The sheep cannot hope to retain the top spot for long due to the fact that the Wii suffers from two major drawbacks.
1. Lack of third party support.
This is crucial element needed by Nintendo. History has proven via the GC that third party support can make or break a system. Sheep will claim that it is coming citing Capcom making several RE games. But compare this to Wii's competition that is getting RE5, GTAIV, Orange Box, and UT3 while it is left out in the cold. Also, take in to consideration that more development time is put into third party games for the 360 and PS3 (ie. Madden). With the Wii's competitors getting more and better games than it, there is no way it can win system wars. And there are no high cailbur third party titles in the works on the Wii that can compete with the ones listed in sales. GTAIV will sale thousands of 360s and PS3s by itself.
2. No Direct appeal to target market
Who spends the most money on video games? Men from ages 18 to 30. Sheep can talk about how it is more benefitical to expand beyond this demographic, but this is the main market where sales come from. Also, this market is more tech savy than others because of its demands for HD and internet connectivity, two things that the Wii does not provide completely. If you want to sale a video game you make something for this market. Consequently, this market is driven by sex and violence which is something that Nintendo does not do well. No one buys the Wii for a violent game. It sales because of its franchices like Mario and Zelda which are morally water down adventures. I hate to say it but the market finds more mature game elsewhere.
The Wii is only in its current position due to its cheaper cost and the relative newness of its gaming style. When the 360 and PS3 drop enough in price we will see a negative effect on Wii sells. Sheep this is not an avalance your riding. It is only a steep climb to a plateau where there is no where else to go. The best the Wii can do is to become a companion system to the 360 or PS3.
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