thanks for the help. It was my internet.
jigalooo's forum posts
Whenever i go into my downloads on the psp store vis the psp go, it will start to download (download screen pops up) but the time estimated is like 1440 minutes, and keeps changing, not progressing past 0%. Can anyone help?
The Casualties
Dead Kennedys
Hell yes, the Dead Kennedys and The Casualties are awesome
Seems like alot of 360 users are jelous that the MGS franchise isn't on their system. You can't stand that the ps3 has a really great game? Both systems have really great games. I don't understand why people go into saying that a franchise sucks, when ultimatly, they probably have never played any of the games. Its a good series, get over it. Also, its a stealth/espionage game, but technically, you don't have to. 1,2 more yes, but in 3 and 4 they changed it so you don't have to sneak. Now instead of complaining, why don't you just play?
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