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Bloody Tears of Joy

Today I gave myself an early Christmas present. I picked up Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin.

Of course I preordered. There was no way I was going to miss out on this extremely nice bonus package.

Includes a timeline, artbook, extendable stylus, game case that holds 2 DS carts, and my favourite, a compact disc full of Castlevania music.

I normally don't get overly excited for handheld games. There are only a select few titles that I will rush out to purchase as soon as they are released. The latest examples include: Phoenix Wright and of course the most recent, Castlevania. The series has faithfully remained it's own amazing form of 2-Dimensional bliss on the GBA and DS platforms. How could I deny myself it's latest incarnation when such a sweet bonus awaited me? I could not.

I haven't been giving my DS Lite the love it so rightly deserves lately. Thankfully that's about to change. I just wish I didn't have a backlog of tremendously high quality games in the queue. I still haven't progressed any in Okami, or even made it to the first dungeon in Zelda. I guess I just have a problem with playing too many big games like that at the same time. I'd rather devote all my time to just one, but then I need to be cautious that I don't overdue it and lose interest. I think it's healthy to mix it up a bit.

Who am I kidding though, what right do I have to whine about having too many good games to play. That's just plain silly. I need to suck it up and play the freaking things!