I finally had a chance to install and play Age of Conan Yesterday. I created a Cimmerian Ranger named Syreth. It took a bit to take everything in at first, and to be honest, I'm still feeling incredibly overwhelmed. I think over time things will come together, though.
I went through the little single player tutorial bit and reached Tortage to find Slunks and Tyler dancing and waiting for me on the bridge. What dopes. Thankfully, Tyler fell into the lava river.
I then proceeded to run madly around the city picking up quests, buying items and looking like a moron. Soon after running some errands for the locals and reaching level 10, Talor, Mike, Art and even Steve (I haven't played anything with him since the real Hyborian Age. Get it?!) showed up and I got added to their nerdy little guild. Radical. Didn't get a chance to run around with them yet though.
At this time I looked at the clock and realized several hours had passed without my knowledge and it was now time for bed. Bummer.
I never thought I'd say this about one of those cursed MMORPGs, but I am enjoying it. I may be new to playing these types of games but I've been around them plenty and was never really interested. I think the more engaging combat of AoC is giving me the tolerance I need to actually enjoy the game, because I'm all about the RPG asepects of leveling up a character and getting sweet gear and especially playing games with friends. I can't wait to get back and spend some time with the game this weekend.