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Diary of an MMO Newbie: Day 2

Yesterday was just a blast. Again I hooked up with Tyler and Slunks, but also met up with my good buddy Bort as well. We all got on Skype and decided to tackle some of the Underhalls and White Sands quests in Tortage. Now, this was my first time being in an open PVP area, so I was rather nervous -- in fact I was downright hysterical. I was afriad that there was some jerk in every corner just ready to jump out and get me! It turns out the Underhalls were pretty packed with folks, some of them indifferent to our presence, but others extremely hostile!

I didn't mind it too much though. I died a couple of times but did manage to get the killing blow on a higher level jerk who was camping a door. as he realized how much trouble he was in when the four of us show up he decided to book it. I however bust out my bleeding shot combo and murder him just as he nearly manages to break away.

At White Sands it was much less of a bloodbath. We were able to get most of our stuff done without any major confrontations except for a mage who decided to attack us for whatever reason. Not a good idea. At this point we were a higher level and ran across several lone level 7s and such. We decided to mess with one and did an all out charge on him. He immediately turned the other direction and jumped into the water. He was a good sport and laughed it off. I found this a much more satisfying encounter than ganking him like the other nerds in the Underhalls were doing.

I think I'd much rather take out the jerks killing the low levels than the lower levels themselves and I hope to follow that PVP model when Syreth gets to be a bit of awesome.

Overall I think I was exposed to what makes MMOs so appealing today and that's just getting in a group and killing stuff. I have to admit, that it was extremely satsifying and one of my most memorable multiplayer experiences to date.

I'm still on my way to being a high enough level to play with the rest of the Blood Pact clan, so I know there is a gazillion more things to look forward to.