jimb0 / Member

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The impending 360 purchase is nearly here. I seriously can't remember the last time I was this excited about purchasing a console. I never really hyped up the new console launches, although I did find it interesting to see how they played out. There's just so much that I want for the 360 now, and so much stuff coming out that I couldn't put off waiting any longer.

I went ahead and cleared off a spot for it the other day.

Hopefully the unit will have the necessary breathing room and I'll be able to lay it flat. I still have yet to find a place for the games I just removed from there though, not to mention a place to put the massive amount of games I'll be purchasing in the near future.

I think part of the reason I'm getting so "giddy" is that I decided to save up for this system the old fashion way. I put aside some cash each week and just let it accumulate. When I bought the Wii it was somewhat unexpected and I just used the check card. It was still really cool and exciting setting that system up, I just think the purchase process was too sudden to feel any sort of responsibility for making the purchase. This way (just like your parents always told you) I feel more attached to the system, at the same time building valuable character!

The plan is to pick up the system Monday or Tuesday morning, hopefully filming a NERD ALERT episode in the process. Then it's game time. Sweet, sweet game time.

I hope to see some of you folks on Live soon. :D