Well it's been a bit of an overload lately. First, new releases this fall have just been insane, but before I may fully indulge in those I have a hefty amount of games in my possession that I must finish. I've been madly hacking away at some of these titles and have barely made a dent, as you may see by my now playing list.
I have also caught the PSP bug. I mean that thing looks so freakin sleek. And there is a slew of RPG titles slated for it, for some reason I'm a sucker for handheld RPGs. At the moment it looks like i will be purchasing one of those sony bad boys, but most likely not at launch.
Speaking of Sony, I've been debating on whether or not I should pick up one of the new PS2s. I'm somewhat of a collector of video games and systems, but I haven't gotten the PS2 yet. I'm thinkin yes, but do I want the classic model? hmmmm...