Coming up.
by jimboboklashaur on Comments
Tomorrow I'm getting The Orange Box since UPS lost the box the Gamestop here was supposed to be getting it in. I will then proceed to play the crap out of Portal, Team Fortress, and maybe even play a little HL2, as I hear that's included. :) Good times will be had by all, and then I'll be crying in a corner since I won't have UT3 until Christmas, and maybe not even then. I didn't think through my money situation enough, or I'd be a proud owner of both tomorrow. I'm not sure whether I'm more stoked for UT or OB. Nah, who am I kidding, I'm more stoked for UT. Well bed time because I'm a tired sissy. I'll make a longer blog tomorrow probably, if I can pull myself away from my PS3 for long enough since I have the day off. Farewell folks.