jimgame's forum posts
What I'm saying is that the majority of casual gamers will restrain from purchasing a PS3.nVidiaGaMer
You're right, but I think Sony positioned the PS3 for gaming enthusiasts to begin with; the crowd a little more hard core than the Wii crowd, the crowd willing to pay more for better graphics and technology. The way I see it the price parity among more advanced systems is now set at $50 (the difference between a 360 Premium and a PS3 40GB), not bad at all for the price conscious consumer that wants a little more than a Nintendo.
Did I miss something? What's going to be wrong with the ps3 version of orange box?
If you google around for reviews you'll find reviewers making comments like "Yes, Half-Life 2 has its slowdown troubles, and occasionally they are ugly", "One moment you'll be cruising through the game at 30 frames per second and the next you'll be enjoying a slideshow", "a few minutes that have some jitters"...and on and on.
Not to mention that Gabe Newell is a genuine @ss. He's made it clear he doesn't think well of the PS3 or PS3 owners, and it shows. I for one am not supporting anything he's involved in; not just out of principle, the HL series is getting tired...the story and gameplay is frozen in time from 2 years ago.
No. MS had nothing to do with it. The backers of HD-DVD paid the studio to put it on hd dvd and not blu-ray
You do realize that MS is part of the group that is behind HD-DVD and only stands to gain from it's success?
NEVER rule out MS using unsavory tactics to win.
They're famous for using any and all advantage to corner a market and force other competitors out.
In short, if they're involved in any way shape or form you can bet they are not sitting idly by hoping things turn out well; to believe otherwise is plain fanboism or hopeless naivety.
I think the story goes that the HD-DVD Group (which includes MS) paid $150 million to Paramount for 18 months of HD-DVD exclusives (I think a clause was added so that Spielberg films can be Blu-Ray)
This is the same version of the story I've been seeing the media.
So naturally I'm stoked about this game, but I've never played any of the others. Where can I catch up? Can I read the plot somewhere? What order are the games in when it comes to storyline?Fishyesque
OMG...you've really missed out. MG is one of the most important video game franchises known to man; it's been around since NES and is the granddaddy of the stealth action genre. It really had it's heyday in the PS1 era, but if you have a PS3 with backwards compatibility get yourself a copy of MGS3, you're probably going to love it..
neither FFXIII or Killzone 2 are coming out any time in the near future. Killzone 2 probably wont even make it in 08 (it will be delayed, mark my words), and FFXIII is definitely NOT coming out in '08 (square pretty much already said that). GT HD isnt coming soon either... In fact, the only games i can see that are or may be coming soon are HAZE and MGS4. Tekken 6 is coming out who knows when, there isnt even a date in 08 yet.Roland123_basic
While it's true there's no definitive dates released I don't think the market could bear being without an FF, or GT for 2+ years. It just hasn't happened. I mean I know the dev kits were late but I see it as unlikely for any of the titles mentioned to stretch to 2009 (maybe Tekken). Killzone is launching a playable beta "soon" (which I interpret as sometime in the first half of the year) so i expect the final to be not very far behind as well (surely not as far out as 09). GT Prologue is ready now so I don't think there's any doubt GTHD will make it out in 08. Tekken may be up in the air but I think the rest are pretty much guaranteed an 08 release.
This is absolutely the best time to get a PS3, because the promised titles at launch date are finally coming to fruition.
UT3 - this won't be coming to XBox until late 2008 or 2009. Even then it's debatable whether user created content will be available on XBL.
Final Fantasy XIII
Gran Turismo HD
Killzone 2
Tekken 6
None of the above franchises (with the exception of UT) will see the light of day on the 360. Aso if history is any indicator, the best Japanese RPG ports will be likely be only available on PS3.
Not to mention if you want a high def player with the most potential you already get one with the PS3.
Lastly, if you're a FPSer, PS3 supports kb/mouse right out of the box (you have to buy a $100 accessory for XBox to use a kb/mouse). Granted only UT is slated for supporting a kb/mouse right now, but more and more games will use the API to support it.
EA phhh I will never give EA my cash.....EVER.unimpendium115
I'm with you. Until they can prove that they can put out a good PS3 game they aren't getting dime one of my money (and I'm not holding my breath). There are other publishers that care about the work they do for both platforms (Activision and Ubisoft being some prime examples).
EA will continue churning out cr@p until they realize that we're not buying what they're selling. You reap what you sow EA!
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