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My view on PC Gaming

The video game industry everyday is turning more into Hollywood than ever before releasing derivitive games, with campaigns resembling games that came out a month ago. Then we have horribe budget titles by ValuSoft (The Uwe Boll of video games) which most likely people that have a slow computer buy to find its cheap and find the game is crap and they could go play there Xbox instead, where they are assured that Halo 2 is going to work everytime, and know what kind of game to expect.

All the companies that release crappy RTS titles revolving around the second World War should take there talents and do something incredible with it, as opposed to make something we just finished playing a couple days ago.

For christ sake, I found a game called World War II: RTS.

If the PC gaming community wants to attract more computer and video game buying customers,  we need to start making more original titles. I know its easier to make a dungeon crawler than create a game that never has been envisioned before, but come on. I'm sure I'm not the only one who likes to find Company of Hereos next to Quicken. With Games for Windows, we might all be able to change it.

Thanks for reading my piece of mind,
