I wasn't too sure what to write about. I could focus on the negative stuff but that would be very pessimistic. Or I could focus on the positive stuff but that wouldn't be right either. So I figured I'd list the milestones I've passed, historical stuff that I remember, and general stuff. Nothing too dark, it is a party after all. Although I can't seem to find the light switch. Tequila shots for all, eggnog for some!
-Crossed into new millennium.
-People immediately forgot about Y2K and now believe in 2012. Also gullible is not in the dictionary.
-A string of unsolved cases of feet washing up on the shores of BC.
-Terrorism becomes more prominent than ever before.
-Various countries taunt the world with taboo nuclear research.
-Recycling and eProducts start earning popularity. And yet everyone still owns at least 1 car.
Fads or Trends
-Ipods, adopting babies, anorexia (mostly actresses), purse-dogs, video game consoles, leaked sex (video, photos, phone, pastries, etc), quoting memes, social networking, blogs.
-Several friends, family passed on.
-Pretty much my entire teenage years.
-Able to vote, buy beer, cigarettes, drive cars, buy movie tickets.
-Graduated from grade school, highschool, and college. (Seems rushed when you put it that way.)
-Free-use websites like Geocities and Insidetheweb forums disband.
EDIT: TV Tome knee TV.com launched with spinoff sites Gamespot, GameFAQs, Movietome, MP3.com, and others.
-1337 5P33K and MSN-talk replace English on most English-speaking websites. Grammar becomes obsolete.
-Websites like youTube, Wikipedia, and social networking sites pop into existence.
-Encyclopedia Dramatica is formed, much to the dismay of everyone/everything/everywhere.
-Dozens of 90s bands reunite to cash in on old fame. Some from the 80s too.
-The state of Rock & Roll continues to decline; will not pick up until 2015 or later.
-Other genres scrape the barrel. Notable examples are songs about cars, shoes, necklaces, and lip-gloss.
-P2P filesharing continues to develop.
-Stores like Itunes are formed as handheld MP3 players are made.
-Cancelled shows are brought back years later, notably Family Guy and Futurama.
-Reality shows everywhere.
-Sharper, darker, edgier, cleaner image, dirtier plots, greyer morality, top hits soundtrack.
-Windows and Apple release 3 different OS each.
-Browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Safari become more user-friendly than oldstaiers IE and Netscape.
-End of the Star Wars saga.
-A handful of 80s action flicks receive sequels.
-Dozens of movies are remade, mostly inferior.
-Tons of popular movie series get reboots. Results may vary.
-Ewe Boll destroys cinema to scam tax-payers. Exception of Postal which is kindof funny.
-James Bond's new official game of chance is Poker, replacing that indecipherable Baccarat.
-Simpsons movie finally came out.
-Every comic book license is bought up and made into a movie.
Video Games
-Consoles like XBOX, GameCube, DS, Wii, PS2, GameBoy Advance, PS3, Xbox 360 hit the market. I have yet to play any of them btw.
-Some games dumbed down for wider mass appeal at the expense of quality. (Lookin' at you Spore..)
-DRM annoys paying customers; pirates let off the hook.
-4 of the Harry Potter books were released, finishing the series.
-"My Immortal " was posted online, scarring every victim that reads it.
-Also that other series achieved critical acclaim.
-Jean Chrétien retired from Prime Minister. Québec will probably not separate.
-George Bush jr. got elected. Twice. EDIT: Uh, put into office twice. My bad.
-911 happened.
-Iraq war.
-Saddam Hussein got executed.
-First African-American president, and nearly had female president or female vp.
-Osama bin Laden spent the last 9 years in a cave. Or is dead. Or both?
-Several celebrities died. Michael Jackson is probably the one who got the most attention.
-Internet celebrities is anyone. Such as..
-Hoards of "critics" with tripod cameras rip apart poorly-designed games and movies from their youth.
-Anyone with Windows Movie Maker and a video file.
-Meme starters.
-Blogs. ... uh, not this one, but famous ones.
Anyways, Happy New Years and Good Luck in the future!
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