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jimmychoo2 Blog

quake tournament

WELCOME!!! all quake ps3 owners. I Lucas(my spanish name) would like to hold a contest on tuesday at 1:00-2:00 pm all player can join. NO REWARD!!!(sorry...)

quake wars.0

just got quake ps3 not bad.. any one up to taking on a noob?(own quake1&2 but were taken by mom because of rating... then baught quake 2 for ps1... remote play not good for shooters... )if anyone has a good shooter they like( no matter the rating) plz tell me.

ps1 lives on!!!(on your psp for free)

just found out you can play your old ps1 games on your ps3!!! for free!!! ITEMS NEEDED= 1.ps1 games 2.psp 3ps3 4wifi conections(optional) INSTRUCTIONS= 1 you need to have remote play active(use manual to find out how) 2 first off have the game you want to play in ps3(only ps1,will update if i find out ps2 works) 2 then go to the remote play on option on both ps3 and psp 2 find the icon for the ps1 game click X and enjoy!(WARNING!!! THERE IS LAG!!!!)(still fun though...