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school a dragg

Flordia a useless government they tax us so they can get payed more they screw us over in school they make us take the F.C.A.T or Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test .they teach us all about how to pass there stupid test making all that we learn revolve around this test in the third grade you fail the fcat you fail the third grade 6-9th grade you fail the fcat  they put you in intensive classes.intensive math and intensive reading depending on what you failed.I failed the 8th grade fcat I guess on like all the question then 9th grade I work hard on it and I was told that I passed by my intensive reading teacher next year my guidence counceler said ohh you failed it so u get a intensive reading class and i was ready 2 kill then i go to the stupid class again for about 18 weeks roughly then in that period a developed a weird thing when ever i get extremely board i start falling asleep uncontrolabily so that sucks i have been kicked out of class about 10 times for that once with a lunch dentension ,a few with clinic to see wats wrong with me another with a referal and the last time iss(in school suspension)basically alot of bs now the past 2 days and tommorow i have been testing with digonistic tests fell asleep through the whole reading section so ill be in the same stupid class becasue i can't stay awake.and ahh beep they better of not put me in there because i failed the first test i fell asleep the first day and the second day i was doingthe same so they kicked me out of school for the day.also intensive reading classes are so easy i got like a b+ in that class and that just with messing up here and there and all you do in intensive classes is learn about the fcat so you can do better i need homeschool i can't stand public school.