Yeah, I started playing Pokemon right when it came out, I was 8 when the pokemon craze started used to watch everyday played the games, got all 151 on my blue version the real way, got them to 100 the REAL WAY NO RARE CANDY CHEAT! And like someone said earlier I always wanted a 3D pokemon game. I remember when i was probably 9, pokemon collisilum's name some how surfaced and me and all my friends though it was going to be a 3D game, then it diddn't come out for almost 4 years after that. But when stadium came out I thought that was going to be the 3D game and it was just the gay little battle game. I'm 18 now and obviously don't play pokemon like I used to, When im really bored I'll pick it up and play it, or if I see a episode on I might change the channel and watch but after Silver, Pokemon was never the same. I honestly would buy a 3D game if it came out, I think it would bring back alot of fans my age who always wanted the game to come out but it never did. And the gameboy games just feel to childish for us. It would have to be really really good though. This was my idea.
You have the choice to play as Ash, Gary, or create your own Pokemon. If you choose Ash you start off with Pikachu, (and he refuses to go in a pokeball), Evemtually you meet up with Brock and Misty and they follow you around. Gary starts off with Eevee, and as you go along just like in the show you get chances to get the three starters from random ways (maybe even just like the show) And if you create your own you can get one of the three starters or Pikachu or Eevee, with the same chances to get the other starters. And then the game will kind of go on like the show as in sequence of events. Battling would have to be complety redone, and have it like Super smash Bros almost were you controll the Pokemon. They would have to have more then 4 moves...they can use any move the know its just differnt combinations of buttons. And you can use surroundings as advantages and moves to do different things. like bulbasaur vine whipping the ground seding him flying in the air. Team rocket also in the game (the real ones Jesse and James and Meowth) and would try to steal your Pokemon. Then once you get the bages and and do the Pokemon leauge, you go to like a movie mode were you go to the Mewtwo island and have your chance to get Mewtwo and other legendaries from the first 150. This trend continues as you go to the Orange islands after, Johto, and whatever the next two lands are I dont even know, with scataerd movies in between to try and get legindaries. Other things I forgot, make it alot harder to level up, and give more advantages to not evolving your pokemon at there regular levels. Because as far as I know Ash's Bulbasaur still hasnt evolved after what 10 years? That things gotta be level 80 something and still not even a Ivysaur it it kicks ass.
So creators of Pokemon who ever you are listen to your fans. MAKE A NEXT GEN POKEMON GAME IN 3D!!!! RPG STYLE. We understand you target like 11 and under and thats great they will still buy the game boy games because they want pokemon on the go. But us next gen fans who sit here on are Wii's and xbox 360's half us dont have a DS anymore so we dont buy the games. The Wii has really good games, but not the console moving games like Xbox(Halo, gears) PS3 (Metal gear), There's not gunna be another Zelda or mario for the next 5-6 years you need something to fill in, why not Pokemon?
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