Resident Evil 'died' when they bothered to make a new control scheme for it. I'm sorry but the controls were crap in the earlier games. They were functional but most of the time, anytime you got hit it was due to having a lack of control to be able to react to anything. I just started playing Resident Evil 2 again and I died when the first Licker showed up from the ceiling. He lunged and jumped, and I'm sitting there going "Well, okay... how am I supposed to avoid that? There's no dodge button, or even a function to move left and right. Am I really supposed to stop aiming, turn Captain Tank 90 degrees, run when the Licker jumps, and then turn Captain Tank around again to shoot?", and so that's exactly what I did the second time around, and I avoided the first lunge. Granted I still got hit by another lunge and some change but I had more health that time around. Yeah, I'm afraid of encountering enemies, but not for the right reasons. I can't move very well, there are lots of corridors and confined spaces, Leon's the slowest shooter in the world, and I'm never really sure of where I'm aiming when firing. None of that has anything to do with legitimate game difficulty.
I think they realized pretty quickly that all of their traditional enemies became a complete joke to deal with once they overhauled the controls and gave you better movement and infinitely better turning and aiming. I don't think they had much of a choice to turn it into more of an action game. I actually enjoy 4 and 5 more than the older games. Given the outrage over this game, I'll probably enjoy it even more. I think they had to change the series when they changed the control scheme.
I never got why they called these games "Survival Horror" to begin with. What's the survival part of it? That you're not supposed to die? Well, you're not supposed to die either in a Mario game so do we call that a Survival Platformer? It never made sense to me. DayZ would be something that would justify putting "Survival" in the title, because not only are you supposed deal with not getting hit too many times, but you can bleed out, you have to maintain a proper body temperature, you can get sick, you can break bones, you can go hungry and go thirsty, all things that can actually happen if you were put in that situation in real life. When I think survival I think wilderness, canned food, water bottles and that kind of thing.
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