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#1 jirca87
Member since 2005 • 539 Posts


[QUOTE="pan1cknife"]i'm kind of bewildered by the fact that people aren't understanding that they're not forcing us to buy anything additional to play multiplayer. elite, from what they've explained, is a separate, social networking type service that enhances "league play" and matchmaking. you can still play the game without it. why would the presence of elite affect anyone purchasing the game?Jaysonguy

And I'm kind of bewildered by the fact that people can't see an obscenely greedy company, like Activision, pulling something where the subscribers get some sort of perk over those who don't subscribe in order to essentially force people to subcribe to be on an even playing level. or raising map pack prices even further to make it look like a better deal. I'm also kind of bewildered that people don't see that this could very likely just a market feeler to see if the COD community would be willing to pay a monthly fee - eventually resulting in pay-to-play if it succeeds.

Please show me where subscribers would get upgrades over regular users and where map packs will raise in price.

I would like links that say that

Did I say there was currently information about that? No. I said that it's likely to happen. If there was news information about that currently existing today, COD would be substantially hurt by it.I don't think as many people, especially not the casual COD crowd, would want to buy the game knowing that they would have to pay a monthly fee justto get a fair playing field. However, I can see something being releasedin February-April of next year, after the majority have bought it, that would alter the game in favor of the Elite subscribers.

This would not even be the first case of a company doing something like that. BF2 comes to mind, where those who bought the expansion pack Special Forces were able to use the new expansion pack weapons (which were better) against the people who didn't buy it. I knew several people at the time that got tired of being at a disadvantage and bought it because they felt like they were forced to in order to compete, not because they wanted the expansion pack. If some of those people knew that they would have to spend an extra $30 to keep alevel playing field before they bought BF2, they wouldn't have even bothered with the game. To me, this looks like history will just be repeating itself.

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#2 jirca87
Member since 2005 • 539 Posts

i'm kind of bewildered by the fact that people aren't understanding that they're not forcing us to buy anything additional to play multiplayer. elite, from what they've explained, is a separate, social networking type service that enhances "league play" and matchmaking. you can still play the game without it. why would the presence of elite affect anyone purchasing the game?pan1cknife

And I'm kind of bewildered by the fact that people can't seean obscenely greedy company, like Activision,pulling something where the subscribers get some sort of perk over those who don't subscribe in order to essentially force people to subcribe tobe on an even playinglevel. or raising map pack prices even further to make it look like a better deal. I'm also kind of bewildered that people don't see that this could very likely just a market feeler to see if the COD community would be willing to pay a monthly fee - eventually resulting in pay-to-play if it succeeds.

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#3 jirca87
Member since 2005 • 539 Posts


I'm looking for a good local co-op game to play with my wife for any of the three consoles. I'm pretty open to games and experienced, but she's not that great at them.She games she likes to play include the Lego games, LittleBigPlanet, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 & 2, New Super Mario Bros Wii, and theHalo series. She is not very good at moving and firing, so please keep that in mind when recommending games. She also generally doesn't like the idea of killing people, so no games like Borderlands or even Left 4 Dead. Finally, Donkey Kong Country Returns was too difficult for her, so please bear difficulty in mind. Finally, just no to Gears of War or pure party games.

If anyone could please recommend some more games we could play together, it would really be appreciated.


I kind of have the same problem as you, have you tried playing Wii Sports or something like that?

Yes,but unfortunately we can only play against each other instead of with each other.That, and while heavy story games are too much for her, there needs to be at least some sort of drive to keep playing. On a related note: thanks for the Tales of VesperiarecommendationxWoW_Rougex, but after checking it out I don't think she would enjoy it very much. It was definitely a good try though.

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#4 jirca87
Member since 2005 • 539 Posts

Can't say they have my confidence at this point. As a Wii owner, I was pretty disappointed. Not so much with the fact that it wasn't an HD console, or the fact that it didn't have DVD playback capabilities, but rather that its library of 3rd party games was pretty damn disappointing. Granted, this had more to do with the fact that 3rd party developers had trouble getting the most out of the motion-sensored controls, but even so, this wouldn't mark the first time that Nintendo hasn't had the best luck with 3rd party developers either. In any case, I got a PS3 as well, and i'd rather just stick with that for the next few years before committing a few hundred bucks to a new console. Lemme see how the "wii2" looks at launch in terms of 3rd part support, price, and launch titles first...


Iused to love Nintendo.But with the rather poor library of games combinedwith the small number of quality games that actuallyappeal to me compared to the other consoles, in both the currentgeneration and the last one, I'm going to have to pass on the next one. The Wii was the first console I owned this generation and was a launch purchase in 2006, with a 360 being purchased in 2008 and a PS3 in July2010.However, I've already playedthe PS3 more in less than a year than I've played theWii in 4.5 years. That doesn't seem like it's going to change anytime soon either.Out of the9 games on my to-play list and the 16 on my watched upcoming gameslist, thereare only two Wii exclusives -one of which isn't even guaranteed to come to NA -and onemore multi-platformgame whichwas aninferior version on the Wii. For Nintendo to get my business back for Project Cafe, they are really going to have to show that they have the games to back up the system first.

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#5 jirca87
Member since 2005 • 539 Posts

I think it's lame. I decided long ago to get BF3 over MW3 anyway.

If I was on the fence this would have made my decision easier.


That's what I'm hoping for. I've been trying to convince some friends to get BF3 over it, and this should make it easier.

To me, this sets a dangerous precedent, considering from what it looks like so far a lot of that information has already been available as a part of other games for free. If this takes off, it worries me that other companies could take out previously free portions of their games and start charging for them. Not to mention this seems to me like more of a markettest to see if the COD market would actually be willing to pay a subscription for it.

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#6 jirca87
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Sounds like Super Smash Brothers Brawl is the game for you. Up to 4 people can play at a time, and the difficulty is whatever you want it to be. I'd reccomend that for her, unless she dislikes the idea of cartoony characters beating up on eachother in which case don't get it.


Thanks, but I guess I should have been clearer: I'm looking for something for us to play together, not against each other. I am usually better than her at games and it never ends well. Besides, I hated Brawl compared to its predecessors and sold it a couple years ago.

Oh... well does she mind killing aliens? You could get Halo reach maybe, because that has co op campaign. Also Gears of war. Very bloody but you're killing aliens the entire time.

She's doesn't care about aliens, which is why I said in my original post that she does like the Halo series. We've already played them all on co-op together. With regard to GeOW, I said in my post no to that - it would be too unnecessarily violent for her. I've playedboth Gears before and I'm not even a fan ofthem for that reason.

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#7 jirca87
Member since 2005 • 539 Posts


I'm looking for a good local co-op game to play with my wife for any of the three consoles. I'm pretty open to games and experienced, but she's not that great at them.She games she likes to play include the Lego games, LittleBigPlanet, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 & 2, New Super Mario Bros Wii, and theHalo series. She is not very good at moving and firing, so please keep that in mind when recommending games. She also generally doesn't like the idea of killing people, so no games like Borderlands or even Left 4 Dead. Finally, Donkey Kong Country Returns was too difficult for her, so please bear difficulty in mind. Finally, just no to Gears of War or pure party games.

If anyone could please recommend some more games we could play together, it would really be appreciated.


Sounds like Super Smash Brothers Brawl is the game for you. Up to 4 people can play at a time, and the difficulty is whatever you want it to be. I'd reccomend that for her, unless she dislikes the idea of cartoony characters beating up on eachother in which case don't get it.

Thanks, but I guess I should have been clearer: I'm looking for something for us to play together, not against each other. I am usually better than her at games and it never ends well. Besides, I hated Brawl compared to its predecessors and sold it a couple years ago.

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#8 jirca87
Member since 2005 • 539 Posts

I'm looking for a good local co-op game to play with my wife for any of the three consoles. I'm pretty open to games and experienced, but she's not that great at them.She games she likes to play include the Lego games, LittleBigPlanet, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 & 2, New Super Mario Bros Wii, and theHalo series. She is not very good at moving and firing, so please keep that in mind when recommending games. She also generally doesn't like the idea of killing people, so no games like Borderlands or even Left 4 Dead. Finally, Donkey Kong Country Returns was too difficult for her, so please bear difficulty in mind. Finally, just no to Gears of War or pure party games.

If anyone could please recommend some more games we could play together, it would really be appreciated.

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#9 jirca87
Member since 2005 • 539 Posts

To me, the most memorable ones make great use of comedy or music. I know there's one more great one I'm forgetting, but I can't remember what it is.

Metal Gear Solid- Suicide Mission: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB4Bfqrrw84

Dead Space -Twinkle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoQ1ZPYGr58

Gears of War - Mad World: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccWrbGEFgI8

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#10 jirca87
Member since 2005 • 539 Posts

I'm only including the games that I currently own, as otherwise there are too many to name:

Dragon Age: Origins - playing through a second time and ~75% done

Pokemon Black

Donkey Kong Country Returns - beat about the third world with my wife before she gave up in frustration a couple months ago. Just haven't gotten back to it yet.

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

Just Cause 2

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising

Final Fantasy I & II Dawn of Souls

Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced


I actually forgot about a few:

Psychonauts, Deus Ex, Deus Ex: Invisible War, Donkey Kong Country 2, DKC 3, Paper Mario, and Mario 64.