As you do not know, i just made my largest purchase ever two days ago, this purchase has made me feel very good about myself, it was a HDTV. After passing three birthdays i finally managed to save up enough for a beautiful TV, and after just recieving my fairly good report card my mum gave me permission to go and get my wonderous and ever so glorious HDTV, which has been absolutely amazing so far, most games have had their visuals amplified 100x by it, while others (Halo 3) have had no change at all. A worthy purchase and I will be sure to be getting XBOX live soon especially since relatives are finally realising that their better off giving me 20 bucks rather then spending it on something i do not want, so look out for Kahada. I also just saw The Dark Knight, and it is absolutely spectacular, it replacing dog soldiers as my favourite movie.
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