Soul calibur has been released for XBLA today, and i'm currently downloading it, gawd its huge! So i decided to post this blog which someone may or may not read :D
I know it has no online or mission mode, but its the only soul calibur game (incl soul edge) that i never played, and Gamespot gave it 10/10, so must be fairly solid!
In other news, SOUL Calibur 4 will hit my home in August 1st, as europe get it later >_< That game is gonna rock my socks off, thinking about it know, ive had the same SC3 siegfried banner for 2 years lol, thanks azzazthing, i think is the person who made it, or was it? :o
Gonna go buy Soul calibur3 again as my disc broke. Not rly bothered getting sc2 i loved that game but i think i have enough soul calibur in me right now.
ANywho i better end this before i bore ya
long time no talky guys ! :D