"chaos_power Posted Oct 16, 2011 5:12 pm ET Beta shmeta, people need to come up with a better excuse for this. If this was a beta than it had to be the worst beta of a game i have ever played in terms of how many bugs and glitches it had. And i have played enough betas to determine that. If it was alpha than i would have understood. But it was an open beta, that usually means that it's very close to the final build. After all this time they worked on this game they couldn't have solved so many obvious bugs? play the game 5 minutes and you'll already find 10 things that shouldn't be in the final product. Also I'm pretty sure the game will keep working crappy even if they fix all the bugs, because it most likely is the game engine's fault that it's badly optimized. I really do hope that the final product will be better than this. I'm not trolling. Just hatin'. And with a good reason IMO." See the following: Recommended Specifications OS: Windows 7 64-bit Processor: Quad-core CPU Memory: 4GB RAM Hard drive: 20GB Graphics card: DirectX 11-compatible with 1GB of RAM (Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 or ATI Radeon 6950) Sound card: DirectX compatible Keyboard and mouse DVD-ROM drive Upgrade your PC and quit whining. Go buy a real video card and throw that 4000 series in the trash.
Heres a thought, waste less of our time comparing graphics of games within the same franchise (of which most people are fans of both) and more time coming up with interesting articles like a detailed look into the map editor? GS should be going berserk over all the content of the NEW game not comparing it to the (not even) last (real) game in the franchise. No one cares. period.
Wow I just love reading through these comments. Just the fact that everyone assumes that PS3 owners have anything to be "mad" or upset about. Anyone who owns a PS3 absolutely loves it. Bottom line. Im sorry your Xbox broke. That sucks. Im sorry you pay for your online service, making your console cost more than mine. This is another classic example of microsoft throwing money at advertising to try and cover up their failures. Its like all Xbox owners have something to prove because theyre pissed about console failure. Guys, enjoy your console, stop trying to justify whatever and just play it.
I think its funny I posted my first statement unbiased, then was attacked, defended my issue with legitimate facts, and was then followed with the usual fanboy mess. Thanks for amusing me. Now if you will excuse me, im going to go play the greatest game ever made. Oh sorry, its impossible to port to the 360. Yep, sorry, the 360 is too weak to support it. By the way, if anything, Im a nintendo Fanboy, but I dont own a Wii. Zelda and Mario PWN your games.
deathstar79, the only fanboy here is you. I have no reason to be a "fanboy". If I wanted I could own both systems but havent yet seen an Xbox game that I would want to play enough to justify buying one. Name 1 thing about xbox that was WAY better and ill try and meet you halfway there but you just validated your stupidity with that statement because if there is one thing everyone can agree on its that PS2 was the definite must own of that generation. I never owned a PS, and only own a PS3 for the same reason I bought my PS2, it was by far the best value, and will continue to be a major gaming console many years after it was released. They still make PS2 games.
I hardly consider myself "swindled and bamboozled" considering i have owned my PS3 for 2 years, and have never had hardware issues(aka red circle of FAIL), have not paid $50 a year to play games online, which offsets the $100 more I paid for my system, not to mention I can play games at 1080p, and the PS3 exclusives blow the XBOX exclusives out of the water (Heavenly Sword, MGS4, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet). Oh and I can watch BluRay movies, oh and I can play my PS2 games still ( dont even try to act like you didnt have one of those) The reason games are made on the Xbox first is because its easier, its old technology. The Xbox will be outdated in 2 or 3 years and the PS3 will still be going strong. Leave it to the guys that do it best. I hardly think any of you will say thats microsoft? You wait, soon games will only come out on the PS3, the release of Gran Turismo 5 will solidify the PS3 sales and it will become the more popular system, its only a matter of time. If i were you, id feel "swindled and bamboozled" because i got stuck with Halo 3 and Gears of War 2.
Things they forgot to mention in the article: 1) All these games were designed for the Xbox 2) These are all obviously SD video screenshots 3) None of these games are visual masterpieces Congratulations Gamespot, you get the award for the most biased, non-valid article ever. Why dont you actually do some real comparison like show the games from Xbox with the best graphics, then show the games from PS3 with the best graphics, both at all possible resolutions, on SD and HD TVs and then ill buy into your comparison. Or if you want to be totally unbiased, show something like The Orange Box's Half-Life 2, which was ported to both systems. You need to fire the people who did this research because they didnt think very much about what they were doing, and if they did they purposefully skewed the results.
jj_wrecks' comments