Well, tweaking the achievement notice is a nice touch. Otherwise, it'll be good for people who actually want to use an Xbox 360 with an awkward mini-keyboard to talk to people on Messenger.
I think it's nice of Microsoft to rip off Mac OS X completely so that PC customers can get a decent looking OS. Pity they won't be able to offer the same security. Yes, I know PCs are better for games.
I have a PSP and a DS, but whereas I now frequently play my DS I almost never touch the PSP. Partly this is because once the novelty of playing sports games on the go wore off, there were very few PSP games I wanted to play. And I get put off new titles by any hint of load times. It's just not worth it, especially when the battery doesn't always last a huge amount of time. I thought this was a useful feature.
Excellent list, I personally voted for Solomon's Key, and knew it would make no difference as a personal choice! But Contra, man. Bring me some virtual console on the Revolution.
jjharney's comments