jjr10's forum posts
Guitar Hero must be fun on your DSi. :PGot my DSi @ launch, I've own all 3 generations of the DS. Here is my game collection:
- Super Mario 64 DS
- New Super Mario Bros
- Yoshi Island DS
- Mario Kart DS
- Mario & Luigi: Browser's Insider Story
- Pokemon Pearl
- Pokemon Diamond
- Pokemon Platinum
- Professor Layton and the Curious Village
- Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box
- Rhythm Heaven
- Guitar Hero On Tour
- Gardening Mama
- Grand Theft Auto Chinatown
- Metal Slug 7
- Nintendogs
- Scribblenauts
- Personal Trainer Cooking (Not really a game but it was on sale for $4.99, cheaper than a cook book!)
Never heard of this guy before
He's covered wars you know.
Can i sig this?
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