I have to do this for the people that i consider friends.An entry to tell you that i leave Gamespot because i feel sick of how hypocrites some people are.Know who they are.I have also deleted Crimson,so no worries,the ones who asked if they done something bad,no you didn't guys.I apollogize though to the people that had fun in the union and loved that place as much as i did.But i feel sick of some people.I also apollogize to the Leaders of the unions that i resigned,as a mod.In fact i resigned from every union i was in,and if i was able i would also delete that page too.My profile page.Is not that i freaked out all of a sudden.Some people let me down long ago,people i never expected that they would do so,but they did.I tried to manage with it,but i wasn't able.So i did what i did.
Don't contact me at the email that you know,i got a new acount and soon i'll message you.The ones that i think as friends and not snakes.That's all i guess.Bye,bye GS.:P. Friends will hear from me soon,not through this site though.Snakes,i don't want nothing from you,and i feel so sorry for meeting you.Again you know who you are.
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