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My first blog post and a little about my special condition.

Wow, here goes nothing. How's it going reader? This is my first ever post of my first blog and I hope to make it a blog worth reading.

I know that now is a werid time to get this started, especially considering the whole Jeff situation and the subquent mass exodus of members, but I feel that now is the right time for me to start an on going project such as this. Anyway, about the whole Jeff situation; I personally need some more proof to accept the widely held belief that Jeff was let go over a single video game review. I understand the circumstancal evidence fine, Kane and Lynch ads plastered all over the damn site, a poor review, a firing and a video review removed. However, that could be nothing more than bad timing and an unprofessional video review. The orginal written review and that review's final score of 6.0 still stands. Now if that review were to bve magically changed to a 7.0 or 7.5, than the game is afoot. Until then, I need some evidence.

Switching gears, about my "special condition"; basically, I have a form of mild hyperacusis in my left ear. (hint, click on the link) Yes, I have to wear earplugs outside in town, by a road way, in a car, on a bus and in the shower. I also used to be fairly heavy into hi fi headphones and I've been forced to let that hobby go. (if you do want some recommendations about equipment, headphones, ask. I still remember all of that stuff) So instead I've re invested my time into gaming. I've purcased all but two of my games within the last 12 months and have made some substanial upgrades to my computer after selling off my old equipment. I'm trying hard to build a worthy collection however it has been slow going. I also have a large stack of games waiting to be finished before I even look for new games to buy. The cluprit of my malise, college. I promise more reviews of mine to be coming as I finish the games and I promise that they will be of higher quality than my first two bombs.

Anyway, just a little about me, my condition and why I game. I hope to update soon. Peace.