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Reasons I want a Ps3 this coming year

Yes you heard right. A ps3.

Really? Your serious? Yup.

List of reasons

1 I've owned the xbox and the 360 in the past. I took a good look at which each had to offer and have sold both back. Halo 3 does nothing for me. Over half of the 360 games are available or will be available on the p.c in the future. Which brings me to 2

2 Games. Looking back, I missed out on over two generations of high quality playstation releases. I've never gotten around to playing siletn hill 1. Never touched a metal gear solid. It has backwards compatibility so I can play all those games for the first time while sampling what is new.

3 Silent Hill 5. Its not coming to p.c. I shed a tear. But guess what.... PS3!. Now I know little voice in my head, I've gone down this route before, spend $ on new system for one game (oblvion) beat the sucker in a week (intense playing sesssions) start bleeding money and sell back after 8 months because of lack of compelling game titles. Whew. Well on to point number 4

4 Blu-Ray. Victory. Me siding with the winner. Me enjoying hd movies for as long as format exists with something that has the potential to be its best player. But come on, a moive playing machine.. calling number FIVE!

5 The other worthwhile multiplat games. Check system wars, threads abound.

6 I like the hardware. Quiet. Nice finish, ect.

7 Yeah.

8 Only around 15 of those games would not be available to me with a potential p.c ps3 line up.