What's up everyone? I know I've been slow on the blogs, but none of ya'll comments these things. Do it. Please? :D Anyway, 'what is this blog gonna be about?' you probably aren't asking yourself...well I'll tell you.
-My newfound, and very late liking of Metal Gear Solid
-The Red Sox, and how much ass they kick
-Moments on Xbox Live to talk about
-Bioshock Trailer
-Grindhouse/ATHF movies.
So I was at BlockBuster the other day, gonna rent a game. And none of the new games are interesting me, or they aren't there. (Seriouslly, this is a slow time for new games) And I come across 'Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes' the remake of the original MGS on the Gamecube. Now I was thinking about whethe to get this game. I rented MGS3, and got pretty bored, I even bought subsistance, and sold it pretty quickly. So I was really thinking if I should rent this game. But I've heard so much about the first MGS game, (seriouslly, I knew all the characters names, and what was gonna happen for about the first 4 or 5 hours...and I NEVER played the game) so I picked it up.
So I get it home, and start playing it, and although the controls suck, I can't see what's infront of me, and I hear the famous lines 'Snake? Come in Snake...SNAAAAAAAAAKEEE!!!' ALOT, somehow you just look over ALL of that in this game. Some kind of supernatural being makes you forget that the game looks over all possible good control schemes, and chooses almost the worst one possible. And I'm a Resident Evil fan, so if I conplain, there must really be something to complain about. But seriouslly, it's not too bad. It's obviouslly got a great story, and some cool characters (Pysco Mantis and Sniper Wolf were my favorite bad guys) and all that other stuff. Well I beat it during my 5 day rental period...so I obviouslly played it a lot. When I returned it, I then bought MGS2..actually for less money than it cost to rent MGS 1.
MGS 2 is pretty cool. Kinda the same stuff. Just with one difference...Raiden. Now ALL Raiden jokes about him being a wiked homo are old, and they all have been done, so I won't go there. But I will say one thing, it doesn't even seem like they care about him. (The group he works for and the colonial and stuff) Seriouslly, when snake dies it's like 'SNAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!!!', but if Raiden dies it goes something like 'Raiden...you there...no? damn...he died. Well that sucks.' Oh, and also OMG! SNAKE IS DEAD?!!!1!!>>!>!>!???!!one!!?! Nah, he clearly isn't, because he's in the 4th game. I can assume he's Plisken, but that'd be too obvious, and it'd make too much sense for Kojima...so it's probably not.
If any of you knew me (which you don't...bastards!) you would know I am a HUGE fan of the Red Sox. Being from around Boston, you have to be, really. Anyway, if you know anything about baseball, you'd know how kickass they are doing right now. They are beating everyone, including winning 4 out of 5 against the horrible Yankees (they suck). This season is looking great, can't wait.
My Xbox Live subscription is almost out. It ends on May 1st, so I need to buy a new card. The 360 is rocking my game world, I love this thing. I've been playing a lot of Uno, Street Fighter, Worms, Rainbow Six, Burnout, FEAR, and a little of Perfect Dark too. But honestly, it's mostly been Gears of War for me. Gears of War has to be the sickest online game I've ever played. It's awesome dude. Very Unique. You'll see me on Live a lot, if anybody reading this wants to play with me, message me here, we'll set that up. I'm especially looking for someone to play KOF2002/2003 with, so if you have that, tell me.
Now on to the best game trailer I've seen in a while. Bioshock on the 360. I watched the cinmatic trailer, and the gameplay trailer, and I kinda just watched, amazed at how awesome this game looks. If you never seen it yet, download it on the 360, or just watch them here. Defintely my most anticipated game this year.
Ok, well I've been watching many movies lately, and Grindhouse and Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theateres (long frickin name) have been my 2 favorite movies all year. Grindhouse is just cool, that's it...just cool. It's so awesome, some of the stuff that happens in that movie. Like, when you watch it, I don't wanna spoil it, but it just makes your eyes open wider and all you can say is 'oh my god...that was frickin awesome'. ATHF is...ATHF, it's just dumb, so dumb that it makes you laugh. Though finding a theatere that plays that movie, was pretty tough. Between the moonanites bomb threats in boston, and the fact that the movie applies to a very small audience, not many theateres were playing it. But we found it, and we went, and it was awesome.
That ends my blog for now. Comment this thing fools. I expect 5431 comments by 2 hours from now.
Games I need to beat...
-Pefect Dark Zero
-Sonic and the secret rings
-New Super Mario Bros.
-Phoenix Wright: Justice for All
Games I am waiting for
-Forza Motorsport
-No More Heros
-Phoenix Wright 3
-And of course...Resident Evil 5...
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