Well, I haven't posted here in a while. I've just been playing Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D and Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. It's kind of ironic since this blog post is titled "Nintendo vs. Sony". Anyways, I've been reading a lot of articles lately about the NGP and 3DS and how the 3DS is failing and the NGP is going to double as a PS3 controller, etc. I have also been reading the comments and people are saying things like "Sony's copying nintendo again" "3DS sucks" etc. The funny thing is, it's Nintendo's own fault that Sony made the Playstation. Back in the days of the NES, Nintendo and Sony had a deal to make a CD-ROM for their next console, the SNES. The console was revealed, but soon after, Nintendo announced that it was breaking the partnership with Sony and partnering with Phillips instead. Sony went on to make the Playstation, and Phillips decided to go and make the CDi without Nintendo. Since then, Nintendo and Sony (as well as some companies like Sega that died out) have been competing in the gaming industry. Now the question is, who is the better company? Well, they develop VERY different games. Nintendo develops games that are aimed towards all audiences and Sony's first party games are a lot darker. Nintendo's games are also a lot more creative and revolutionary than Sony's games. Well, Nintendo HAS been developing games since the industry's early days so it was easier to be original since there were less ideas out there. Sony doesn't aim to be creative or revolutionary, but instead, it seems like they try to improve on ideas that are already there. Nintendo and Sony are VERY different when it comes to software and it's extremely hard to compare the two. Now let's move on to hardware. Nintendo's hardware has recently been white. The DSlite, the Wii, and the WiiU are white. The Wii seems to be made out of cheap plastic and is fairly light. The 3DS on the other hand, is not made out of cheap plastic and is fairly heavy. They both don't use the most recent technology, but are creative. The PS3 on the other hand, is dark, slim, and heavy. The PSP is very different from the PS3. It is made out of cheap plastic and is bulky. The NGP is.... well, I haven't gotten the chance to play an NGP yet. Sony's consoles use powerful technology, but are NOT creative at all. Well, the use of a CD-ROM in the original playstation was creative for the time..... but other than that, Sony is not very creative, but their consoles do improve on other ideas. Nintendo and Sony are clearly 2 VERY different companies that do not need to compete. They can coexist. If there was only one console-developing company, then things would be a lot less exciting. Well, those are my thoughts on the Nintendo vs Sony subject. And also, I like chocolate cake.
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