@dr_jashugan You can buy it with in game money and real money. Warframes (suits) guns and melee weapons come unleveled though, you will still need to grind levels for each no matter if you buy it with real money or in game. You end up getting almost the blueprints to create the frames and weapons in game, but it takes a long time especially if you are just starting out.
Not really pay to win, more like pay to play the frame and weapon you want right out of the gate. If you are fine with the starter frames and weapons, you wont need to spend real money.
@kohle36 The review is posted in the PlayStation 3 tab. The video review has lower thirds that state it as a PS3 title, and the game space page information also list the "Also on." the VITA.
@neoperol The "system for that works" that there were strict review embargo rules about the footage we used in The Last of Us, in order to post it before release. In fact I took less time editing the Deadpool review since I had access to ample assets. The Last of Us took a while because I had to scour their trailers and already released assets in order to sometimes find a corresponding clip for the review.
@percuvius2 The first playthrough was done on the PC. Most of the footage we used in the video review came from the PC version because is just looks so good.
@Andava We do not review the developer or the budget of the game, those two things have nothing to do with our reviews. We also don't review features that may or may not come in patches or updates. The game needs to speak for itself.
Me and my mom hand built an airplane, it wont fly far and you will probably not survive our flight, but hey, there were only two of us and we had a small budget. You'd still give us a good review though huh?
@xlight63 Microsoft sets the embargo date, sometimes they go by release date, sometimes it's completely random. It was our goal to make the embargo time and date and that was last night.
jmaybury's comments