Looks like a B rate Mass Effect, even has the crucible, which apparently is now called the Helios machine. I'll give it a shot Digital Extremes usually makes decent games.
There's no rage like nerd rage. Maybe one day they'll get outside and realize there are worse things than EA.
According to The Consumerist, EA has failed at three "core requirements" of running a consumer-friendly business. These are: provide a product that people want and like, sell your product at a reasonable price, and support the products you sell.
1.Yet people still buy EA games in droves.
2.Yet it sells games at the same price point as every publisher in the industry.
3. Post product support is on par with every other developer.
While RE has pretty much dropped fear I think Dead Space 2 still had some really tense moments, I'm hoping they keep some of that in Dead Space 3, though I'm a bit concerned about the universal ammo system.
Dark Souls was probably the most dread inducing game I've played in awhile.
I would concede to the art argument if the game was linear, with no decisions and one clear story to tell. However videogames are an interactive medium in which the gamers can shape the experience. The art of the mass effect series was in the way that gamers were able to shape the story they wanted and their actions would have consequences to them. Then the game ended with a false choice with no consequences of any previous actions from any of the games. What happened at the end of ME3 would be like painting the Mona Lisa, then hastily drawing a smiley face. Do I think Bioware should go back and rewrite the ending? No. I do however think the ending was very disappointing and that it will mare an otherwise exceptional trilogy.
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