Look I understand that Uncarted 2 has gotten the best reviews all year but none of us has played the game yet and people are saying that it will be Game of the year. Half of the PS3 post are about Uncharted 2 its now its getting ridiculus. We already know that it's a contender for game of the year but there are bunch of other games coming out which could be better than Modern Warfare 2 and Uncharted 2, its unlikely but you never know. It's a review it's some ones opinion, one person can say that its a perfect game then another say that its terrible because not everybody likes the same games. I know it's mostly the ps3 fanboys that are on these posts hyping up the game, but talk about how great the game is after it comes out.
Before I let of some steam and get into this discussion let me say that I own both Xbox 360 and PS3. I'm tired of people on these posts complaining about how Uncharted 2 got a 9.5 on the gamespot review. Listen no game should ever get a perfect 10 this is the same hype train all the fan boys made for Halo 3 Gears of War 2, Modern Warfare, and Grand theft Auto 4. Now people are looking back and finding something to **** at about the game. You may not like them but their all great franchises whetever you think so. I hope uncharted 2 doesn't get a perfect 10 because not that it doesn't deserve it but because no game shoud ever recieve a perfect 10 unless possibly 10 years from now everybody is still playing that game saying its one of the best games ever came out. Theres nothin wrong about loving your system and supporting it but when you say best game ever made and declaring game of the year without playing the game I do have a problem. I've never seen peopleb**ch about reviews for a game as much as this game has gotten. 9.5 is an amazing review and I'm planning on picking the game up but even if I think its the best game of the year and deserves that perfect 10 and somebody else gives the game a 8.0 or say that they don't like the game then who the hell am I to say that your wrong about your own opinion which means its someones review of the game .
I do like Uncharted and I hope the second one is as good as the reviewssays theyare but stop over hyping games and one last message to the Uncharted 2 fanboys that won't get of its nuts is that alot of adults don't know what uncharted is. Alot of people who don't know much about games knowHalo, Call Of duty,Guitar Hero, or Madden . So yeah I do want to hearthe ps3fanboysn **** about this comment saying that I'm wrong but its already a proven fact even alot of peopledon't know anything about Uncharted or even thenamenathan drake while most games know master chieft even if you don't like Halo alot of people known that name. Get of Sonys dick with all their exclusives,all the systems have great games but Sony, Microsoft , and Nintendo are dirty companies in their own way so to allsystem fanboys outthere F**k you and support the games you like not the companies or at least admit to your self that you wont get of their ball sacks.
RIP Bobby Kotick I hope you die while sucking on your moms left testicle
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