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The reason the Wii has so much shovelware...

Is simply because it is the best selling console so far.

That's it.

Developers see that and make tons of quickie games that make about 10 minutes to make so they can make a few dollars.

I mean, look at Hanna-Montana, she's super popular among little girls, so why not make a Hanna-Montana game for the console that has sold the most units? Makes sense right?

Well, apparently, it makes sense to developers, and sense the Wii is the least powerful in the graphics department, developers can just throw pixels together and ship it out.

"But Jmorey01 you handsome man, why don't they just make a M-rated shovelware game?"

1. Does it really matter?

2. They would have to add something to the game to make it rated M, like blood, or actual dialouge, whcih would require effort, and developers don't put a lot of effort into shovelware games, hence why they are shovelware.

And please don't ask why Nintendo would let developers make this garbage on their system, I mean, isn't it obvious?

Nintendo will let any game on their system if they think it will sell and make them profit.

Sorry if Nintendo isn't listening to every Joe Nobody out there to get advice on what they should sell on their system....not.

Ok, lets say that the guys at Nintendo snapped and let any old hardcore gamer give them advice on what games they should ship out to retailers. And lets pretend that this was BEFORE Super Mario Galaxy came out.

Nintendo: What about this new mario game we have? Think we should ship it out?

Hardcore gamer: Nah, Mario is worn out, make another shooter with lots of blood and chainsaws.

See? It would be a travesty.

Oh, and another interesting fact, Nintendo doesn't care about you.

You can complain all you want about them having to much shovelware on their console, but they can't hear you over all their billions.

That is all.

Ryan Davis leaves

I really hope Jeff and the rest of the gang start their own review site. Man that would be cool!

Their blogs would be worth watching.

Reviews would be honest because they're not on a company's payroll.

They wouldn't be fired for giving games a 6.

Yeah, I said it.

I hope Cnet agents aren't watching me type this and decide to assassinate me, because that would really s

No More Heroes

The new mature action-adventure game for the Wii is without a doubt the best.

The game is just so fun it gets away with things that most other games get knocked for, like the combat is just pressing the A button with the occasional swing of the remote (with wrestling moves thrown in).

A combat system this simple would usually get annoying and repetitive, but for some reason, you never get tired of slashing baddies.

The game also has a lot of personality, the main character isn't just some muscley guy with no emotions, he's just an average nerdy guy looking for some hot lovin' and killing people because he enjoys it.

The bosses are definately the high-light of this game, they have a lot of health, but the fights aren't all that difficult at all, in fact, it is possible to get through the whole game without dying.

And the beam katana also grows with you, at the beginning of the game you start out with a beam katana named "Blood Berry", and Travis just kinda swings it from left to right like a novice, but when you purchase the last beam katana, he swings it with the speed and grace of a expert swordsman.

The game clocks in at about 10 or 12 hours, and it's the best 10 or 12 hours you'll spend on the Wii (If you've beaten SMG :P)

Eternal Sonata

This game is a masterpiece that no gamer even just a little bit interested in RPGs should be without.

This game has made me a firm believer in the whole "Gaming as an art form" deal.

The game's environments are absolutely stunning, along with the music which is also top-notch.

The game also makes you think deeper than any other game has before.

This game is bar-none the best RPG I have played in years, and everyone should have the privledge of experiencing this game.

What to do during the SSBB delay....

Well I'm getting No more heroes,

I got Assassin's Creed yesterday, probably wont be done with that for a while.

Only half-way through Eternal Sonata so i guess I could get on that

I could play Kingdom hearts for the 30th time.

What about you guys, you guys doing anything special while you wait for SSBB to come out?

DragonBall forum

My good friend SmashBrosLegend started a dragonball fourm and we are in dire need of more members.

As you probably guessed, the forum is a place where we talk about various dragonball topics and there is a spot for some off-topic discussion as well.

The site is new so it may not be much now but it is being worked on and more members will (hopefully) join.

Sorry I couldn't link, result of being a fourm nub. :(

Phoenix Wright Trials and Tribualtions

"A lawyer can't cry until it's all over."

- Diego Armando

I know this is a little late but I decided to play through the last Phoenix Wright again for kicks and I realized how much of a blast the game actually was. I think every DS owner should own at least one Phoenix Wright game.

For me these games are the epitome of good writing and simple, addictive gameplay.

Of course for me the best part about these games is that when you finally discover the truth behind the case, it was the complete opposite of what you expected when you first started the case, and they still somehow make sense even though what really happens seems impossible sometimes.

There are so many twists and turns that by the time you're done with the case your neck looks like those twirly slides on a child's playground.

All in all the last T&T is arguably the best yet, and rightfully so, as the last case is epic on many levels considering how they build up the characters from the very first case.

Okay. You can stop reading now, go buy T&T now.

Oh and Godot is awesome, wait you should have read that...