""It’s also ironic that EA brings this suit shortly after launching SimCity Social which bears an uncanny resemblance to Zynga’s CityVille game."LOL, oh my god I'm dying.
Why would they make a prequel about the Joker after doing what they did in Arkham City? >.> I thought Mark Hamill wasn't reprising the role of the Joker?
@Orel504 @Cherekpeth81 To be honest, I'm glad the game went a different route. He would probably try to explain the whole dark matter thing through the use of element zero by biotics. The way the game ended up as a conflict between order and chaos was much more satisfying. Maybe that's just because I'm a real Warhammer 40k buff.
@thedeadmorrison The endings were fine, what the DLC does is fill in all the plot holes and logical gaps that permeated the original endings. Go watch the Extended Cut endings on Youtube, they're really well done. And if you still think the endings suck, I don't know what to say. If you want Hollywood endings, go watch Star Wars.
The Extended Cut was very, very good, except for the Fallout 3 style concept art slideshow near the end of it. I was really satisfied with how they handled the ambiguity of the original endings. Props, Bioware!
@MinerAvatar My God, you're trying to claim that video game hype is fraud? If that's true, then most games in history are ponzi schemes. I should sue Maxis a million dollars for releasing Spore in the state they did.
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