HAHA you americans really don´t think!!! here, in my contry we all know the reason, it´s the same reason an editor got fired just because a bad note on kane and lynch and its the same reason xbox games appear always first when you make a search, and its the same reason the most poppular xbox and pc games appear first than the ps3 ones, even if the ps3´s ones were first made in ps3 and later ported to xbox and pc, oh and its the same reason locoroco 2 (possibly the future best and the most wanted and popular psp game) isnt in the top 10 awaited games overall nor in the top 10 awaited games in psp, the game comes out next week.
if you americans think a little bit, instead of hearing whats told you to hear, you wold notice that xbox 360 and many pc games belong to microsoft, and microsoft has money and power.
i cant be more explict...
Im portuguese, and here we can see clearly
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