You all make good points, but he said him and his girl were _trying_ to have a kid - he's 24 and she's 22 - when neither are in college, both have temp jobs and both live with parents.
Is he just stupid or happy? Both? I can't wrap my head around it, but I know one thing: I wish I was as happy as he (seemingly) is. I so badly want to be happy for other people.
I guess I made this thread to vent - the pregnancy thing was the reason _why_, but I wanted all of your input as to why I'm feeling like this and how I can be happy for others. Off Topic has helped me before, and I feel like a bad person not being happy for him, but I can't help it. It's almost as if I want people to be like me, you know, 'misery loves company' and all that - even though I'm not miserable, I'm a shell of what I was happiness-wise.
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