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Remember, Remember The 11th Of November...

Since Its Memorial Day today and the sunday afterwards which we will still remember the dead lets all take a little silence...

Just thinking about it now the people that gave their lives in what I think was a war that shouldn't have happened. 1 man dies and that throws the world into chaos, comon surely the countries leaders could have been a bit smarter than that?

But heres one of my Favourite poems I like to read on 11th Novemeber.

Dulce Et Decorum Est

Bent double, like old beggars under sacks, 
Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge, 
Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs 
And towards our distant rest began to trudge. 
Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots 
But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind; 
Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots 
Of tired, outstripped Five-Nines that dropped behind.

Gas! Gas! Quick, boys! –  An ecstasy of fumbling, 
Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time; 
But someone still was yelling out and stumbling, 
And flound'ring like a man in fire or lime . . . 
Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light, 
As under a green sea, I saw him drowning. 
In all my dreams, before my helpless sight, 
He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning. 

If in some smothering dreams you too could pace 
Behind the wagon that we flung him in, 
And watch the white eyes writhing in his face, 
His hanging face, like a devil's sick of sin; 
If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood 
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, 
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud 
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, 
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest 
To children ardent for some desperate glory, 
The old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est 
Pro patria mori.

Wilfred Owen 

Dulce Et Decorum Est Pro Patria is fine and fitting to die for your country...

Just goes to show that we need to be careful on the reason why we go to war and who with, unlike the recent major ones.

Anyway, what did your relatives do in the world wars?

3 Uncles I never met did the following...

1 was hit by an anti-tank rocket while on his motorbike with his gunner in the fight in Egypt, he amazingly lost right leg and died after a medic tried to save him/

1 Was a Flight Sargeant in the RAF, he was shot down in his bomber, not sure where.

And the other was a newly recruited Pilot who died along side with my other Uncle, the Flight sargeant on the same plane, this guy was the Tail Gunner or something like that, he was killed by Flak shrapnel before his plane went down with the seargeant.

Honour the fallen and support the survivors...

What's the funniest accident you have seen at work or at school?

I was just bored and was thinking about what happened yesterday....

At my cadets group, as part of our uniform, we all have to wear Beret Hats, the ones that the armed forces wear, not the sandwich caps that you might see in the states...and My beret hat has strings on the back to tighten it, so the seargeant comes over and takes my hat off me while im working and pulls the string out which ripped the hat in half...oops there goes some R.A.F uniform...he has to pay for it, real R.A.F kit, expensive... oh was so funny afterwards.

Yeah so whats your funny experience at work or school recently?

Freaky Game Experiences : Elder Scrolls Oblivion

I just had the best ever styled hair on my head stand on end, this is about gameplay in oblivion which Im sure that most of you will know of (the game).

I was attacked by a troll and it killed my Black horse, you really don't know how hard it is to pay for one, 5000 gold peices, that is really hard to come across in a short amount of time unless your a high level, and so I had to wonder across the land on foot...

After a while of marking stuff out on my map, I came across a really really freaky town called Hackdirt. The locals hate outsiders, the chapel is dedicated to "The Bretheren" and the locals say that they don't like it when you ask about "The Bretheren", I go to the only shop in the town, and the place is a mess, I ask the shopkeeper about "The Bretheren" and she denies that she knows anything about them...

I go to the tavern and the guy there warns me that I really should leave and that the town will be like "the old days" one day, thats when the scary stuff startled me, I went back to the shop and I open the door and the shopkeeper is dead in front of me and I turn to go back outside after examining the body and a body falls onto my face, another dead body comes from nowhere, I left the shop and went to a nearby house it was trashed and looted then I looked around and found skeletons in the attic and a burning corpse in the oven!

Although thats not real it really startled me...oh and if you have any freaky game experiences that genuinely scared you stupid, post 'em here!

Update of my life...Cos Im Bored Stupid

Im bored so I'll highlight some of the interesting stuff thats happened recently and let you all discuss it between yourselves

Basicly this is a few things keeping me happy but mostly a very big moan at how my week has imploded and my moralle and will to work in school has just pulled out a gun and shot itself....

1) An airshow is coming up soon and My cadet group is working on a game for all our fans out there, if we get a certain award that we mainly built the game for we will get to go to Cyprus to see the Red Arrows.

2)I just got caught "skipping lesson" according to a teacher who unfairly accused me and 3 friends who were looking for help from a teacher, now I have detention for something I did not have any direct involvement in...dumass teachers...

3)I just completed Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter on the hardest difficulty, it was amazingly difficult but I got there and actually beat my old time record on Easy Difficulty strangely enough.

4)I have a french speaking exam tommorow, hopefully I won't panic and get a better grade, my teacher has modified my speech script to a high level, If I manage to remember it I will be the baddest mother****** in the class!

5)Im so f****ed now, my chances of getting broadband are tottaly screwed due to many reasons, mainly because the offer we got was brilliant and my parents haven't switched to it yet, jesus...of all the things that could go wrong in 1 week...the offer expires broadband for me....why...why the hell is it im told i'll get it and i never do...

6)This is linked with the detention for skipping lesson. I'll be going for a senior pupil interveiw and that is basicly an interveiw to make me a "Boss" of the corridors where I basicly help out wherever needed and help younger years and it looks damn good when you're applying for a job.

That is tottaly f**king screwed now...since the ignorant teacher is telling other teachers of my crime, crime I didn't do any crime..yet and so Im probably not going to get in now, despite the fact that 98% of all of my year are senior pupils...

That is how my week came crashing down as though it were rigged with 4 tons of C4 and how the effect is causing a domino effect on my school reputation.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed reading my crappy summary of this week...sorry I just had to say all that I have nobody here that beleives me about anything thats just happened...

Help Im drowning! In schoolwork!

You guys might think this is funny, I'll try to see the funny side.

I have a french speaking exam, a french coursework on work experience, in geography- an essay on a town called Grassmere which we studied how tourism affected the boring, we even have to examine how tourism affects stone paths! In Religious studies I have an exam coming up, actually 2 because I missed one because I was sick the morning I was supposed to do it, I have to sort out a massive folder about business' which has gone missing, and I have my feckin GCSE's coming up next year!                                                                 (General Certificate Of Secondary Education)-GCSE, final secondary school exams.

And this is why I spend so much time on the internet, because I simply can't be bothered with all this work being piled on at the same time. And no, not with all this coursework, I will not live happily ever after for a long time...the end

Going to an Airport For work experience! (Updated)

Well I am back, finished my work experience, alive, (seriously, I mean it). I also did this blog because I was bored.

The work experience was great, absolutely brilliant, I spent time in the Customer Information Desks and organising for people; when the flights came in; who had departed from where and who had just landed.

I spent 1 hour in the ADX office, which controls the phone calls in the airport, 1 hour in air traffic control; that was fun, I saw a flight going near my house, and its not that complicated actually, 1 and a half hours on the runways, watching ground crew and helped tidy the debris on the runway, by that I mean, dead birds and lots of them, and I looked how the baggage goes through an endless maze but somehow ends up in china or wherever you're going to.

The funniest bits were,

2 vehicles nearly collided with each other and a plane nearly collided with them simaultaneously.

I found a punching bag behind the computers in air traffic control.

2 people died while I was there. (1 guys heart exploded after a heart disease caused massive swelling, yeah I know im evil for finding that funny)

I had to help paramedics deal with a drunk guy, who had missed his flight the day before, he fell over again, and missed his flight, again.

We got some really stupid requests in Customer Info, from the customers.

I managed to sneak a camera through a fence and got a picture of Concorde!

Going to an Airport For work experience!

Yes I am so exited, Im going to look at Air Traffic Control and general business of the airport.

Starting this monday I will be quite busy until friday, hahaha I get away with not doing some coursework which I'd fail on if I never had another week too. 

Xbox 360 Barbie Horse Riding-VS-Conker Live and Reloaded!


As some of you know I am a real Conker the Squirell fan, so one day I got with some friends and decided to play Conker Live and Reloaded....

Guess what its not backwards compatible, so I go to see the list of downloads that let you play older Xbox games, and geuss again, Conker Live and Reloaded is not there!

Yeah maybe it didn't do as well as it should have done in the sales, so what, people still enjoyed it!


If you don't beleive me, see for yourself!


For 4 days nobody has posted anything in the unions I post in!, is it by pure chance that every poster is deciding to stay off for a while all at the same time?

Sorry about that, had to take my anger out somewhere, because im off school and have nothing better to be doing i get impatient when nobody posts for a few hours, but 4 days up to now is amazing, no posts!?

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