Battlefield Bad Company is great. i dont know what all of you are talking about when you say it's bad. It's not like the previous battlefield games i'll agree, but sometimes change is good.
The weapon's classes aren't extremely balanced too well- the support and assault classes can heal themselves pretty much whenever they feel like it. The beta version has an extremely high fall damage (fall 1 story and say goodbye to a good 20 health, fall 2 stories and say goodbye to 60 health) which is insanely stupid IMO. But the bad parts aside, its a great game with great combat, tight controls, really cool weapons, awesome graphics, and is extremely innovative with it's frostbite game engine.
The Gold Rush game mode isn't bad at all, it's basicly team deathmatch with some bonus objectives. The gold crates attract a huge amount of combat around them, which i think is just what battlefield always suffered from the most (combat spread out too much over a huge map).
On the whole i think BF:BC looks very promising, and I will definitely be buying it.